
Wondrous Works of God: A Family Bible Story Book

by Starr Meade Author

(From Amazon): “Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,for his wondrous works to the children of man!”PSALM 107:8 We want our children to know the God we love and worship, but communicating abstract truths about God can sometimes be difficult. It's good for us and for our children that God wants to be known. So he doesn’t simply tell us what he’s like; he shows us in the stories of the Bible. As the sequel to Mighty Acts of God, this volume tells 90 more stories from the Bible, beginning with the account of God creating Eve and ending with the epic visions in Revelation. Each story highlights an aspect of God’s character and includes a helpful discussion guide to help the whole family see and understand the wondrous works of God!


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
Early Years - 2nd


  • 1 God Creates Eve
  • 2 Cain Kills Abel
  • 3 Job Suffers and Trusts God
  • 4 Abram Rescues Lot
  • 5 Abram Prays for Lot, and Lot is Saved
  • 6 Hagar and Ishmael
  • 7 God Provides a Wife for Isaac
  • 8 Jacob, Rachel, and the Rest of the Family
  • 9 Jacob Wrestles With God
  • 10 God Saves the Baby Moses
  • 11 The First Passover
  • 12 Moses Sees God's Glory
  • 13 Report of the Twelve Spies
  • 14 Korah's Rebellion
  • 15 Serpent on a Pole
  • 16 Balaam and the Donkey
  • 17 Defeat at Ai
  • 18 The Sun Stands Still
  • 19 God Uses Deborah and Barak
  • 20 Gideon and the Fleece
  • 21 Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz
  • 22 Hannah Prays for a Son
  • 23 God Calls Samuel to Prophesy
  • 24 An Idol Falls Before God
  • 25 Saul and Jonathon
  • 26 Saul Pursues David
  • 27 David and Abigail
  • 28 Saul Dies, and David Becomes King
  • 29 David Flees from Absalom
  • 30 David Takes a Census
  • 31 David Collects Money for a Temple
  • 32 Solomon Rises and Falls
  • 33 Naboth's Vineyard
  • 34 Micaiah Speaks God's Word to Ahab
  • 35 Jehoshaphat Sends a Choir into Battle
  • 36 Elijah and King Ahaziah
  • 37 Elisha Replaces Elijah
  • 38 Elisha Helps a Widow
  • 39 Elisha Raises a Boy From the Dead
  • 40 Elisha Promises Food
  • 41 Joash Escapes Athaliah
  • 42 Hosea and His Wife
  • 43 Uzziah's Pride
  • 44 Isaiah Promises a Savior
  • 45 Hezekiah and Manasseh
  • 46 Habakkuk's Complaint
  • 47 Josiah's Reforms
  • 48 Jeremiah's Faithfulness
  • 49 Jeremiah and the Fall of Jerusalem
  • 50 God's Glory Leaves his Temple
  • 51 Ezekiel's Vision of Dry Bones
  • 52 Ezekiel's Vision of the Future Temple
  • 53 Daniel-Young, Old, and Faithful
  • 54 Daniel's Vision
  • 55 Nehemiah Rebuilds Jerusalem's Walls
  • 56 The Angel Appears to Mary
  • 57 The Shepherds Worship Jesus
  • 58 The Boy Jesus in the Temple
  • 59 John Bears Witness to Jesus
  • 60 Jesus Turns Water into Wine
  • 61 Jesus Calls Matthew
  • 62 Jesus Explains the Sabbath Law
  • 63 Jesus Chooses Twelve Apostles
  • 64 Jesus Heals a Centurion's Servant
  • 65 Jesus Raises a Widow's Son
  • 66 A Sinful Woman Forgiven
  • 67 Jesus Raises Jairus's Daughter
  • 68 Jesus Walks on the Water
  • 69 Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ
  • 70 The Unforgiving Servant
  • 71 The Parable of the Rich Fool
  • 72 Parables of a Lost Coin and a Lost Sheep
  • 73 Jesus Heals Ten Lepers
  • 74 The Rich Young Man
  • 75 The Parable of the Great Banquet
  • 76 The Parable of Tenants in the Vineyard
  • 77 The Parable of Ten Young Women
  • 78 The Parable of the Talents
  • 79 Jesus Washes the Feet of His Disciples
  • 80 Jesus Is Arrested and Tried
  • 81 Jesus Dies on the Cross
  • 82 Jesus Rises from the Dead
  • 83 Jesus Gives the Great Commission
  • 84 Peter's Sermon at Pentecost
  • 85 The Early Church Faces Threats
  • 86 The Church Chooses Seven to Serve
  • 87 An Angel Frees Peter from Prison
  • 88 The Church Sends Missionaries
  • 89 Shipwreck and Snakebite
  • 90 The Dragon and the Baby

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