
Picture Story Life of Christ

by Elsie E Egermeier Author

Towering above all the characters whom the world calls great stands one Person-Jesus Christ. Everybody should know about him. Adults find the record of his marvelous life in the Book of books. There, in language familiar to them, they read all about him, and they conclude that he was the greatest, the kindest, and the most helpful Person this world has ever known. Children, too, should be given the opportunity to read about him. And so, because picture-language is more easily understood by them, we present here in pictures and stories a record of the life of Christ.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
1st - 7th
Historical Setting
1 - 100
Students Bible Society


  • 1 A Wonderful Baby's Birth
  • 2 The Wise Men Follow A Star
  • 3 When Jesus Was A Boy
  • 4 The Strange Preacher
  • 5 Jesus is Tempted
  • 6 Five Men Become Acquainted With Jesus
  • 7 Jesus At A Wedding Feast
  • 8 The Great Teacher In Jerusalem
  • 9 The Tired Stranger Rests By A Well
  • 10 A Man Of Great Faith
  • 11 Jesus Speaks At Nazareth
  • 12 Four Fishermen Leave Their Nets
  • 13 Matthew The Publican Becomes A Disciple
  • 14 Jesus Heals A Crippled Man
  • 15 Jesus Chooses The Twelve
  • 16 The Sermon On The Mountainside
  • 17 Jesus Heals A Leper
  • 18 A Roman Captain Shows Great Faith In Jesus
  • 19 Four Men Tear Up A Roof
  • 20 A Widow's Sorrow Is changed Into Joy
  • 21 Jesus At The Home Of A Pharisee
  • 22 Story Sermons By The Sea
  • 23 The Flooded Ship that did Not Sink
  • 24 Jesus Answers A Call For Help
  • 25 A Boy's Lunch Basket
  • 26 The Man Who Walked On The Water
  • 27 What A Multitude Learned About Jesus
  • 28 How Peter Answered A Question
  • 29 Strange Happenings on a Mountainside
  • 30 Jesus Helps An Anxious Father
  • 31 Jesus And His Disciples In Capernaum
  • 32 Jesus Teaches Peter A Lesson
  • 33 the Unfriendly Samaritans
  • 34 The Ten Lepers
  • 35 Jesus At a Great Feast In Jerusalem
  • 36 Jesus Answers A Question
  • 37 What Happened To A Blind Man
  • 38 Little Children Are Brought To Jesus
  • 39 A Young Man Goes Away Sad
  • 40 Seventy Other disciples Sent Out
  • 41 The Good Samaritan
  • 42 Jesus Teaches In A Pharisee's House
  • 43 The Pharisees Try To Frighten Jesus
  • 44 Parables By The Way
  • 45 An Unfaithful Steward
  • 46 A Poor Rich Man And A Rich Beggar
  • 47 Happenings On The Way To Jerusalem
  • 48 A Little Man Climbs A Tree To See Jesus
  • 49 Mary Shows Her Love For Jesus
  • 50 Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem As A King
  • 51 jesus Teaches In the Temple
  • 52 Jesus' Last Days In The Temple
  • 53 Jesus Teaches On The Mount Of Olives
  • 54 The Last Supper With The Twelve
  • 55 An Untrue Disciple Sells His Lord
  • 56 The Darkest Day In All The World
  • 57 The Watchers At the Tomb
  • 58 Jesus Rises From The Dead
  • 59 The Stranger On The Road To Emmaus
  • 60 Doubting Thomas
  • 61 Jesus' Last Meeting With His Desciples

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