
United States History BJU

by Timothy Keesee Author

(From Amazon): Presents the history of the United States from a Christian point of view.


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
11th - 12th
Bob Jones University Press
3rd Stdt


  • 1 Discovery and Rediscovery; Read 3-9; SRQ 9; SAM 1 and 2
  • 2 In the Wilderness, Read 9-16; SRQ 16; SAM 3
  • 3 SAM 4, 5, 6
  • 4 Chapter 1 Review p 17
  • 5 Chapter 1 Test
  • 6 New England; Read 18-27; SRQ 27; SAM 1 and 2
  • 7 Middle Colonies; Read 28-30; SRQ 30
  • 8 Southern Colonies; Read 30-35; SRQ 35; SAM 3 and 4
  • 9 The Emerging American; Read 35; SRQ 35; SAM 5
  • 10 Chapter 2 Review p 36
  • 11 Chapter 2 Test; Read 37-45; SAM Eastern Indians
  • 12 The Rhythms of Life; Read 46-52; SRQ 52
  • 13 At Home; Read 52-54; SRQ 54; SAM 1
  • 14 At Work; Read 55-58; SRQ 58; SAM 2
  • 15 At Play; Read 59-61; SRQ 61; SAM 3 and 4
  • 16 Chapter 3 Review p 61
  • 17 Chapter 3 Test
  • 18 Denominational Beginnings in America; Read 62-71; SRQ 71
  • 19 SAM 1 and 2
  • 20 Colonial Worship; Read 72-74; SRQ 74; SAM 3
  • 21 Indian Missions; Read 75-76; SRQ 76
  • 22 The Great Awakening; Read 77-82; SRQ 82
  • 23 SAM 4
  • 24 Chapter 4 Review p 83
  • 25 Chapter 4 Test
  • 26 Frontier Feuds; Read 84-91; SRQ 91
  • 27 The French and Indian War; Read 92-96; SRQ 96; SAM 1 and 2
  • 28 The Growing Rift; Read 96-102; SRQ 102; SAM 3 and 4
  • 29 Chapter 5 Review p 103
  • 30 Chapter 5 Test
  • 31 The Eve of War; Read 104-111; SRQ 111; SAM 1
  • 32 Declaring Independence; Read 112-115; SRQ 115
  • 33 Early Campaigns; Read 115-123; SRQ 123
  • 34 SAM 2 and 3
  • 35 War in the South; Read 124-129; SRQ 129; SAM 4 and 5
  • 36 Chapter 6 Review p 130-131
  • 37 Chapter 6 Test
  • 38 Government by Confederation; Read 113-141; SRQ 141
  • 39 SAM 1
  • 40 A New Charter; Read 141-146; SRQ 146; SAM 2
  • 41 The Struggle for Ratification; Read 146-150; SRQ 150; SAM 3 and 4
  • 42 Chapter 7 Review p 151
  • 43 Chapter 7 Test
  • 44 Launching the New Government; Read 153-157; SRQ 157; SAM 1
  • 45 Emerging Political Parties; Read 158-162; SRQ 162
  • 46 Declining Federalist Influence; Read 162-166; SRQ 166; SAM 2, 3, 4
  • 47 Chapter 8 Review p 167
  • 48 Chapter 8 Test
  • 49 The Revolution of 1800; Read 168-175; SRQ 175
  • 50 Jefferson's Triumphs Abroad; Read 175-178; SRQ 178; SAM 1 and 2
  • 51 Indians and the NW Territory; Read 179-183; SRQ 183; SAM 3
  • 52 The War of 1812; Read 183-188; SRQ 188; SAM 4, 5, 6
  • 53 The Era of Good Feelings; Read 189-190; SRQ 190
  • 54 Chapter 9 Review p 191
  • 55 Chapter 9 Test
  • 56 Crosscurrents; Read 192-199; SRQ 199; SAM 1
  • 57 The Jackson Years; Read 199-207; SRQ 207
  • 58 Party Politics; Read 207-210; SRQ 210; SAM 2, 3, 4
  • 59 Chapter 10 Review p 211
  • 60 Chapter 10 Test
  • 61 American Technology; Read 213-223; SRQ 218, 223
  • 62 SAM 1 and 2
  • 63 American Culture; Read 224-231; SRQ 231; SAM 3
  • 64 American Religion; Read 232-238; SRQ 238; SAM 4
  • 65 Chapter 11 Review p 238-239
  • 66 Chapter 11 Test
  • 67 Across the Wide Missouri; Read 241-247; SRQ 247; SAM 1
  • 68 Politics and Protocol; Read 248-250; SRQ 250
  • 69 War with Mexico; Read 250-256; SRQ 256; SAM 2, 3, 4, 5
  • 70 Chapter 12 Review p 257
  • 71 Chapter 12 Test
  • 72 Controversy; Read 258-269; SRQ 269; SAM 1
  • 73 Conflict; Read 269-277; SRQ 277; SAM 2
  • 74 Crisis; Read 278-282; SRQ 282; SAM 3 and 4
  • 75 Chapter 13 Review p 263
  • 76 Chapter 13 Test
  • 77 War of Brothers; Read 285-290; SRQ 290; SAM 1 and 2
  • 78 War in the East; Read 291-297; SRQ 297
  • 80 War in the West; Read 298-304; SRQ 304
  • 81 On the Home Front; Read 304-308; SRQ 308; SAM 3
  • 82 Road to Appomattox; Read 309-315; SRQ 315; SAM 4 and 5
  • 83 Chapter 14 Review p 316
  • 84 Chapter 14 Test; Read 317-329; SAM Photography p 71-72
  • 85 Struggle Over Reconstruction; Read 330-336; SRQ 336; SAM 1 and 2
  • 86 Reconstruction in the South; Read 336-341; SRQ 341
  • 87 Reconstruction in the North and A Reconstructed Nation; Read 341-348; SRQ 348
  • 89 Chapter 15 Review p 349
  • 90 Chapter 15 Test
  • 91 Industry and Invention; Read 351-360; SRQ 360
  • 92 SAM 1 and 2
  • 93 Reform and Reaction; Read 360-368; SRQ 363, 368
  • 94 Change and Challenge; Read 368-378; SRQ 378
  • 95 SAM 3 and 4
  • 96 Chapter 16 Review p 379
  • 97 Chapter 16 Test
  • 98 Western Expansion; Read 380-393; SRQ 388, 393
  • 99 SAM 1, 2, 3
  • 100 International Expansion; Read 393-401; SRQ 398, 401
  • 101 SAM 4 and 5
  • 102 Chapter 17 Review p 402
  • 103 Chapter 17 Test; Read 403-415; SAM The Old West p 89-90
  • 104 Progressive Movement; Read 416-422; SRQ 422; SAM 1 and 2
  • 105 Progressive Politics; Read 423-432; SRQ 428, 432
  • 106 SAM 3, 4, 5
  • 107 Progressive Society; Read 432-439; SAM 6
  • 108 Progressivism Evaluated; Read 439-442; SRQ 442
  • 109 Chapter 18 Review p 443
  • 110 Chapter 18 Test
  • 111 Idealism; Read 444-451; SRQ 451
  • 112 Intervention; Read 452-459; SRQ 459
  • 113 SAM 1, 2, 3, 4
  • 114 Isolation; Read 460-462; SRQ 462; SAM 5
  • 115 Chapter 19 Review p 463
  • 116 Chapter 19 Test
  • 117 Normalcy and Naivete; Read 464-473; SRQ 473; SAM 1 and 2
  • 118 The Mind of the Twenties; Read 473-482; SRQ 482
  • 119 SAM 3
  • 120 From Roar to Ruin; Read 482-486; SRQ 486; SAM 4, 5, 6
  • 121 Chapter 20 Review p 487
  • 122 Chapter 20 Test
  • 123 Hoover Gets the Blame; Read 488-495; SRQ 495
  • 124 SAM 1
  • 125 FDR and the New Deal; Read 495-502; SRQ 502
  • 126 SAM 2
  • 127 Worst of Times, Best of Times; Read 502-508; SRQ 508, SAM 3 and 4
  • 128 Chapter 21 Review p 509
  • 129 Chapter 21 Test
  • 130 A Time of Tyrants; Read 510-516; SRQ 516
  • 131 SAM 1
  • 132 Isolation and Infamy; Read 517-523; SRQ 523
  • 133 Fight for Fortress Europe; Read 524-527; SRQ 527
  • 134 SAM 2
  • 135 War in the Pacific; Read 527-534; SRQ 534
  • 136 SAM 3 and 4
  • 137 Chapter 22 Review p 535
  • 138 Chapter 22 Test
  • 139 Cold War; Read 536-547; SRQ 547
  • 140 SAM 1 and 2
  • 141 Domestic Reform; Read 547-554; SRQ 554
  • 142 Life in a Postwar America; Read 555-560; SRQ 560; SAM 3, 4, 5, 6
  • 143 Chapter 23 Review p 561
  • 144 Chapter 23 Test
  • 145 Johnson and the Great Society; Read 562-571; SRQ 571
  • 146 SAM 1 and 2
  • 147 Upheaval; Read 572-576; SRQ 576; SAM 3
  • 148 1968; Read 577-579; SRQ 579
  • 149 Nixon and the Silent Majority; Read 580-584; SRQ 584
  • 150 Chapter 24 Review p 584
  • 151 Chapter 25 Test; Read 585-597; SAM The Space Race p 133-134
  • 152 The Embattled Presidency; Read 598-602; SRQ 602
  • 153 Domestic Difficulties; Read 602-606; SRQ 606; SAM 1
  • 154 The Ineffectual Presidency; Read 606-611; SRQ 611; SAM 2
  • 155 The Rising Conservative Tide; Read 611-616; SRQ 616; SAM 3 and 4
  • 156 Chapter 25 Review p 617
  • 157 Chapter 25 Test
  • 158 The Reagan Revolution; Read 618-631; SRQ 624, 631
  • 159 SAM 1, 2, 3
  • 160 The Bush Presidency; Read 632-638; SRQ 638; SAM 4 and 5
  • 161 Chapter 26 Review p 639
  • 162 Chapter 26 Test
  • 163 Early Stumbles; Read 641-644; SRQ 644; SAM 1
  • 164 The Comeback Kid; Read 645-647; SRQ 647; SAM 2
  • 165 The Second Term; Read 647-652; 652; SAM 3, 4, 5
  • 166 Election of 2000; Read 652-654; SRQ 654; SAM 6
  • 167 Chapter 27 Review p 655
  • 168 Chapter 27 Test - You're Done!!

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