
Discovering Mathematics 7A Textbook (Common Core series)

(From Amazon): A Singapore Math Program


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In Print
Star Publishing Pte Ltd.


  • 1.1 Factors and Multiples
  • 1.2 Prime factorization and Exponential notation
  • 1.3 Greatest common factor (GCF)
  • 1.4 Least Common Factor (LCF)
  • 1.5 Square roots and cube roots
  • R1 Review 1
  • 1A Extend your learning curve
  • 1B Write in your journal
  • 2.1 Real Numbers - Idea of negative numbers and the number line
  • 2.2 Addition and additive inverse
  • 2.3 Subtraction and Absolute value of the difference
  • 2.4 Multiplication, Division, and Combined Operations of Integers
  • 2.5 Rational Numbers
  • 2.6 Real Numbers and Use of Calculaters
  • 2.7 Rounding Numbers to Decimal Places
  • R2 Review 2
  • 2A Extend your learning curve
  • 2B Write in your journal
  • 3.1 Introduction to Algebra - The use of letters in Algebra
  • 3.2 Evaluation of Algebraic Expressions and Formulas
  • 3.3 Writing Algebraic Expressions to Represent Real-world Situations
  • R3 Review 3
  • 3A Extend your learning curve
  • 3B Write in your journal
  • 4.1 Algebraic Manipulation - Like terms and Unlike Terms
  • 4.2 Distributive Law, Addition and Subtraction of Linear Algebraic Expressions
  • 4.3 Simplification of Linear Algebraic Expressions
  • 4.4 Factorization by Extracting Common Factors
  • 4.5 Factorization by Grouping Terms
  • R4 Review 4
  • 4A Extend your Learning Curve
  • 4B Write in your journal
  • 5.1 Simple Equations in One Variable
  • 5.2 Equations Involving Parentheses
  • 5.3 Simple Fractional Equations
  • 5.4 Forming Linear Equations to Solve Problems
  • R5 Review 5
  • 5A Extend your learning curve
  • 5B Write in your journal
  • 6.1 Ratio, Rate, and Speed - Ratios involving Rational Numbers
  • 6.2 Average Rate
  • 6.3 Speed
  • R6 Review 6
  • 6A Extend your learning curve
  • 6B Write in your journal
  • 7.1 Percentage - Meaning of Percentage
  • 7.2 Reverse Percentages
  • 7.3 Percentage Increase and Decrease
  • 7.4 Discount and Sales Tax
  • R7 Review 7
  • 7A Extend your learning curve
  • 7B Write in your journal
  • 8.1 Angles, Triangles and Quadrilaterals - Points, Lines and Planes
  • 8.2 Angles
  • 8.3 Perpendicular Bisectors and Angle Bisectors
  • 8.4 Triangles
  • 8.5 Quadrilaterals
  • R8 Review 8
  • 8A Extend your learning curve
  • 8B Write in your journal

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