
Genesis For Kids

by Doug Lambier and Robert Stevenson Author, Ken Save Illustrator

Science Experiments that show God's power in Creation!


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Tommy Nelson, Ince


  • 5 Introduction
  • 6 God the Designer
  • 8 Science Is
  • 10 Doing Science Safely
  • 11 Day 1 God Made Light
  • 12 Light and Dark
  • 13 What is Light?
  • 14 Double Takes
  • 15 Bending Light
  • 16 What Color is Light?
  • 17 Toolbox: Observation
  • 18 Catch a wave
  • 20 Archimedes' Death Ray
  • 22 Light from Unexpected Souces
  • 23 A Challenge
  • 24 Parting Shot
  • 25 Day 2 God Made Air and Water
  • 26 Air under Water
  • 28 Heavy Air
  • 29 Karate Kid
  • 30 All about Nothing
  • 32 What's in Air?
  • 33 Carbon Dioxide
  • 34 Toolbox: Evidence
  • 36 Reaching for the Sky
  • 38 Rain, Rain, Go Away
  • 39 A Cloud in a Bottle
  • 40 Parting Shot
  • 41 Day 3 God Made Land, the Plants, and the Sea
  • 42 Exploring the Lord's Earth
  • 44 Water Power
  • 45 Getting Dirty
  • 46 Cleaning Up
  • 48 Growing Lunch-the Plants
  • 50 The Paint Factory
  • 51 Plant Babies
  • 52 Smart Plants
  • 53 Toolbox: Facts and Superstitions
  • 54 Elementary, My Good Doctor
  • 56 White Powders
  • 57 Acids
  • 58 pH: Make Your Own Indicator
  • 59 The Little Guys...Again
  • 60 Had Your Goose Guts Today?
  • 61 The Good, the Bad, and the Tasty
  • 62 Floating in the Salty Sea
  • 63 Making a Parfait of Color
  • 64 Parting Shot
  • 65 Day 4 God Made the Sun and the Moon
  • 66 The Universe
  • 68 Pictures in the Night
  • 69 Slow Motion in the Sky
  • 70 Galaxy in a Cup
  • 71 The Solar System
  • 72 A Trip through Our Solar System
  • 74 The Sun
  • 76 Toolbox: Numbers-The Language of Science
  • 77 The Moon
  • 78 Eclipses
  • 79 Cosmic Deli Moon Cheese
  • 80 Staying Grounded on Earth
  • 81 The Best Place in the Solar System
  • 82 Blast Off!
  • 84 Parting Shot
  • 85 Day 5 God Made the Birds and the Fish
  • 86 Building Blocks of Life: Cells
  • 88 What's for Dinner, Chez Ocean?
  • 90 Pump It Up: Muscle in the Mussels
  • 91 Did Sid the Squid Flip His Lid?
  • 92 Something Fishy
  • 93 Toolbox: Classification
  • 94 Whoo-oo Dunnit?
  • 96 Hid-and-Go-Seek Birdie
  • 98 It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's SUPER Feather!
  • 99 Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem..Rubbery Bones?
  • 100 Up, Up, and Away!
  • 102 Winging It
  • 103 Designed for Living Underwater
  • 104 Sense Sent Scents
  • 105 Seeing by Sound
  • 106 Motion: Things That Oppose It
  • 107 Ladies and Gentlemen, Start You...Soup Cans?!
  • 108 Fishy Moves
  • 109 Sinking or Floating
  • 110 Parting Shot
  • 111 Day 6 God Made Animals and People
  • 112 House Shopping in Crittersville
  • 113 Help! I Need Somebody
  • 114 Life on the Fly
  • 116 Fierce Lizards from the Past
  • 117 Solar Critters
  • 118 Do YOU Know Your Wild Animals?
  • 119 Enzymes: Helping Out in Living Things
  • 120 Digestion and Other Body Systems
  • 122 Oxygen In, Carbon Dioxide Out
  • 123 Take Your Breath Away
  • 124 Eden Olympics
  • 125 Toolbox: Controls in Scientific Experiments
  • 126 The Heart's Blood
  • 128 Ou Amazing Brains
  • 129 Ouch! Making a Point
  • 130 Hearing
  • 131 Drum Solo
  • 132 Smelling Flavors
  • 133 Say Aaaaaaaah!
  • 134 Seeing through Things
  • 135 Where Was That Again?
  • 136 Parting Shot
  • 137 Day 7 God Rested
  • 140 Sleepy Plants
  • 141 Cocoon
  • 142 Dead Buds, or Are They?
  • 143 Toolbox: Conclusions
  • 144 Hormone Helpers
  • 145 Stress
  • 146 Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
  • 148 Staying Cool
  • 149 Help, My Mouth Is on Fire!
  • 150 The Ultimate Cure for Worry
  • 151 Trust Me!
  • 152 Parting Shot
  • 153 Answers
  • 156 Glossary
  • 158 Index

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