
Little Pillows

by Frances Ridley Havergal Author

(From Amazon): This is an OCR edition without illustrations or index. It may have numerous typos or missing text. However, purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original rare book from the publisher's website ( You can also preview excerpts of the book there. Purchasers are also entitled to a free trial membership in the General Books Club where they can select from more than a million books without charge. Original Published by: E.P. Dutton and co. in 1891 in 97 pages; Subjects: Juvenile Fiction / General;


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Scripture Memory Fellowship International


  • 1 'Come unto me,'...11
  • 2 'Accepted in the Beloved,'...14
  • 3 'I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgression,'...17
  • 4 'I have loved you, saith The Lord,'...20
  • 5 'He that keepeth thee will not slumber,'...23
  • 6 'The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all,'...26
  • 7 'Peace through the blood of His cross,'...29
  • 8 'Whiter than snow,'...32
  • 9 'Ask not what I shall give thee,'...35
  • 10 'Forget not all His benefits,'...38
  • 11 'It is God which worketh in you, both to will and to do,'...41
  • 12 'O Lord, Thou knowest,'...44
  • 13 'When the Comforter is come,'....47
  • 14 'What wilt thou that I do unto thee?....50
  • 15 'This same Jesus,'...53
  • 16 'Come and see,'...56
  • 17 'Told him all things,'...59
  • 18 'Our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us,"...62
  • 19 'Is it nothing to you?...65
  • 20 'Yea, He is altogether lovely,"...68
  • 21 'Behold, He cometh!'...71
  • 22 'Now then do it,"...74
  • 23 'I have called thee by name,'...77
  • 24 'That day when I make up my jewels, '...80
  • 25 'He give to more grace,'...83
  • 26 'Shall never thirst,'...86
  • 27 'I will be surety for him,'...89
  • 28 'He shall go over before,'...92
  • 29 'Ay Thy right hand there are pleasures forever more,'...95
  • 30 'This is the promise that He hath promised us eternal life,'...98
  • 31 'Hath He said, and shall He not do it?'...101
  • 32 Take My Life, and Let It Be...104

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