
RightStart Mathematics - Level A

by Dr Joan Cotter Author


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Resource Type
Math Teacher's Manual
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
Early Years - Early Years
Activities for Learning, Inc.


  • 1 Subitizing 1 to 3
  • 2 Subitizing 4 and Patterning
  • 3 Sorting
  • 4 Subitizing 5
  • 5 More Patterning
  • 6 Subitizing 6
  • 7 Matching
  • 8 Subitizing 7 and the AL Abacus
  • 9 Subitizing 8 and Ordinal Counting
  • 10 Ordering
  • 11 Subitizing 9 and Tally Marks
  • 12 Parallel Lines, Planes, and Making Triangles
  • 13 Subitizing 10 and Quadrilaterals
  • 14 AL Abacus Stairs
  • 15 AL Abacus Stairs and Perpendicular
  • 16 Comes After Game, Rectangles and Squares
  • 17 Days of the Week and Writing Tally Marks
  • 18 Making Geometric Figures
  • 19 Making Rectangles with Tiles
  • 20 Writing 1 and 7 & Combining Tally Sticks
  • 21 Presenting 2s & Evens and Odds
  • 22 Zero and Evens on the AL Abacus
  • 23 Writing 4 and Take and Give
  • 24 Writing 3 & More Evens and Odds
  • 25 Writing 2, Tens & Equilateral Triangles
  • 26 Writing 5, Tens & the "Ten Triangle"
  • 27 Writing 6 and Introducing Adding
  • 28 Writing 8 and Evenness
  • 29 Geoboard Patterns
  • 30 Writing 9 and Number Sequencing
  • 31 Assessment 1
  • 32 Partioning 5
  • 33 Part-Whole Circle sets
  • 34 Partitioning Problem
  • 35 More Part-Whole Circle sets
  • 36 Ones & Finding and Reading Tens
  • 37 Equal and plus
  • 38 Combining 10s and 1s
  • 39 composing tens and ones
  • 40 introducing the math balance and hexagons
  • 41 partitioning on the math balance
  • 42 doubles and writing equations
  • 43 ellipse and folding shapes
  • 44 Pennies and reflections
  • 45 The Less Game and Reflections
  • 46 More Doubles and Grouping
  • 47 Nickels and Estimating Quantities
  • 48 Dimes and Estimating with the AL Abacus
  • 49 Introducing Halves and Half of a set
  • 50 Making circles and ellipses (enrichment lesson)
  • 51 Combining several coins
  • 52 Grouping by fives
  • 53 Assessment 2
  • 54 Assessment 3
  • 55 Finding correct coins and tally mark chart
  • 56 Adding with Tally Marks
  • 57 More about Evens and Odds
  • 58 More doubling and halving
  • 59 Introducing multiplication
  • 60 Adding and Writing Doubles equations
  • 61 more adding with the abacus
  • 62 pairs that equal ten
  • 63 Halves and the Go to the Dump Game
  • 64 Counting with Tally Marks and More Adding
  • 65 Counting Tiles and Adding Ones
  • 66 Partitioning Ten and Adding Ones
  • 67 More Partitioning Ten
  • 68 Composing Tens and Ones
  • 69 Calendar Day 1 (enrichment)
  • 70 Calendar Day 2 (enrichment)
  • 71 Working with Hundreds
  • 72 Recording the Hundreds
  • 73 Hundreds Problems
  • 74 Adding tens and Ones
  • 75 Counting by Tens and Making a Hundred Chart
  • 76 Thousand Triangle
  • 77 Regular names for the tens
  • 78 Partitioning 50
  • 79 counting and composing tens to 200
  • 80 adding tens
  • 81 regular names for the teens
  • 82 regular names for eleven and twelve
  • 83 adding one to 2-digit numbers
  • 84 one plus a number
  • 85 Using the commutative property
  • 86 Counting objects by two
  • 87 Working with twos
  • 88 adding twos
  • 89 working with a calculator
  • 90 Arranging from greatest to least
  • 91 The "Round" Geometric Solids
  • 92 More Geometric Solids
  • 93 constructing a cube
  • 94 dozens and partitioning teens into tens
  • 95 Introducing Subtraction Equations
  • 96 subtraction as the Missing Addend
  • 97 Subtraction by Going Down
  • 98 Comparing Addition and Subtraction
  • 99 Review
  • 100 Assessment 4
  • 101 Measuring with Inches
  • 102 Measuring with Centimeters
  • 103 Measuring Lengths
  • 104 comparing weights
  • 105 Measuring with grams
  • 106 Parts of a Day
  • 107 Hour Numbers on a Clock (enrichment lesson)
  • 108 Learning Hour Numbers (enrichment lesson)
  • 109 The O'Clocks (enrichment lesson)
  • 110 More about the O'Clocks (enrichment lesson)
  • 111 Reviewing Halving and Doubling
  • 112 Symmetry
  • 113 The Half Hours (Enrichment Lesson)
  • 114 Tangram Puzzles
  • 115 More Tangram Puzzles
  • 116 Introducing Division
  • 117 Introducing Fractions
  • 118 comparing unit fractions
  • 119 Measuring with Water
  • 120 Non-Unit Fractions
  • 121 Making One with Fractions
  • 122 Halving Fractions
  • 123 Counting and Cardinality Review
  • 124 Counting and Cardinality Assessment
  • 125 Operations and Algebraic thinking review
  • 126 Operations and Algebraic Thinking Assessment
  • 127 Number and Operations in Base Ten Reivew
  • 128 Number and Operations in Base Ten Assessment
  • 129 Measurement and Data Review
  • 130 Measurement and Data Assessment
  • 131 Geometry Review
  • 132 Geometry Assessment
  • 133

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