
ESV Illustrated Family Bible

Illustrated Bible excerpts from the ESV Bible. Illustrations by Zbigniew Freus


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In Print
Bible Excerpts, pages of stories
VOCATIO, Good News Publishers

Bible Excerpts, pages of stories

  • 220 Zechairiah in the temple
  • 222 The birth of John the Baptist
  • 224 The angel appears to mary
  • 227 Mary visits Elizabeth
  • 228 A difficult decisions
  • 229 Record of Jesus' ancestors
  • 230 The census
  • 231 The Journey to Bethleham
  • 232 The birth of Jesus
  • 233 The prophecy of Simeon
  • 234 The escape to Egypt
  • 235 Massacre of the children
  • 236 Return to Nazareth
  • 237 The childhood of Jesus
  • 238 Going to Jerusalem
  • 239 Jesus speaks with the teachers
  • 240 John the Baptist
  • 241 the baptism of Jesus
  • 242 The beginning of Jesus's public ministry
  • 243 Temptation of Jesus
  • 244 The first disciples
  • 245 Fishers of men
  • 246 the wedding of Cana
  • 247 Jesus and Nicodemus
  • 248 Jesus clears the temple
  • 249 Jesus and hte Samaritan woman
  • 250 Jesus heals a paralyzed man
  • 251 Jesus calls Matthew
  • 252 Jesus heals a lame man
  • 253 Jesus sends out the twelve apostles
  • 254 The sermon on te mount
  • 255 Jesus anointed by a sinful woman
  • 256 Faith of the Roman centurion
  • 257 Teaching about money and possessions
  • 258 Story of the farmer scattering seed
  • 259 Story of the wheat and weeds
  • 260 More parables
  • 261 Jesus calms the storm
  • 262 Jesus heals a demon-possessed man
  • 263 Jarius' daughter raised from the dead
  • 264 The commissioning of the twelve
  • 265 The death of John the Baptist
  • 266 teaching the crowds
  • 267 Jesus feeds five thousand
  • 268 Jesus walks on water
  • 269 Peter doubts Jesus
  • 270 Jesus heals a blind man
  • 271 The faith of a Gentile woman
  • 272 Peter's declaration about Jesus
  • 273 The transfiguration
  • 274 The greatest in the kingdom
  • 275 Question of forgiveness
  • 276 Teaching about forgiveness and faith
  • 277 Ten healed of leprosy
  • 278 the coming of the kingdom

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