
Charlie's Choice (Rare Collector Series)

by M.L. Nesbitt Author

(From Amazon): If you loved Teddy's Button, hold on to your seat because you are about to take a journey with Charlie, who is, in many ways, just like Teddy. Unsatisfied with his lot in life, Charlie dreams of a better life, a life where money can cure all ills. "If only...if only," he ponders in his heart. When his dream is just within his grasp, he must make the final decision -- a decision which may separate him from his mother and father and brothers and sister, forever! Can his austere grandfather and prideful aunt truly give him what money can't buy? Can they, in their luxury and ease, prepare this untested youth to value hard work, integrity, and empathy, with their regal and refined style? If what you have heard thus far was not enough to wet your appetite, perhaps I should share of Charlie's adventures of being chased down the river and nearly drowned, or the mysterious old woman who would be used to change his life forever, or of his adventures on the sea, or of the shipwreck, or of the kidnapping, or of the greatest lesson a boy can learn; and these are not even the best part of the story! What I love about this incredible story is that there is something in it for everyone of any age. This is a story that will benefit husbands and wives, parents who wish they could offer more to their children, grandparents who have strained relationships with their grown children, and children who think that the grass is greener on the others side. Finally, this is a story that proves that when you train up a child in the way that he should go, when he is old, he will not depart from it.Charlie's Choice will certainly become a family favorite for years to come. I present to you, in as much living color as Teddy's Button, Charlie's Choice!


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
5th - 12th


  • 1 Charlie's Home
  • 2 Poverty
  • 3 The Holidays
  • 4 A Trial
  • 5 Mrs. Plint's Visit
  • 6 Poor or Rich?
  • 7 Grandfield Place
  • 8 Riches
  • 9 The Village Schoolmaster
  • 10 Under Orders
  • 11 Adventures and a Vision of Home
  • 12 Climbing
  • 13 The Storm
  • 14 Reconciliation
  • 15 Home Again
  • 16 Among the Savages
  • 17 Charlie's Choice

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