
My First Message

by Eugene H. Peterson Author

(From Amazon): Parents want their children to discover the value of God’s Word. My First Message is a one-of-a-kind Bible that transforms family devotions into interactive experiences.The great Message style offers a version of the Bible that is easy to read and understand. Children ages 4-8 are encouraged to learn to study the Bible through a read, think, pray, and live approach.Filled with lively illustrations and fun activities for parents and children, My First Message keeps in mind the short attention span of its readers and moves the stories along at a good pace.


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  • 1 Creation of Heaven and Earth
  • 2 Adam and Eve
  • 3 Sin and the Fall
  • 4 The Flood
  • 5 Jacob and Esau
  • 6 Joseph the Dreamer
  • 7 Joseph and the Famine (part 1)
  • 8 Joseph and the Famine (part 2)
  • 9 Moses is Born
  • 10 Moses and the Burning Bush
  • 11 The Plagues
  • 12 The First Passover
  • 13 Moses Parts the Red Sea
  • 14 Sinai and the Ten Commandments
  • 15 The Battle of Jericho
  • 16 Samuel Hears God Speak
  • 17 David and Goliath
  • 18 David and Jonathan
  • 19 Elijah and the Prophets of Baal
  • 20 Elijah Hears a Quiet Voice
  • 21 The Fiery Furnace
  • 22 Daniel in the Lions' Den
  • 23 Jonah and the Huge Fish
  • 24 Mary and Elizabeth
  • 25 The Birth of Jesus
  • 26 The Magi
  • 27 Jesus is Baptized
  • 28 Water into Wine
  • 29 The Lord's Prayer
  • 30 Jesus Calms the Sea
  • 31 Bread and Fish for All
  • 32 The Good Samaritan
  • 33 The Prodigal Son
  • 34 Seeds, Lamps, and a Harvest
  • 35 Zacchaeus
  • 36 The Triumphal Entry and Jesus in the Temple
  • 37 Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet
  • 38 The Last Supper
  • 39 Jesus' Betrayal and Trial
  • 40 The Crucifixion
  • 41 The Resurrection
  • 42 Jesus Goes to Heaven
  • 43 Pentecost
  • 44 Peter and John Heal
  • 45 Saul on the Road to Damascus
  • 46 Peter is Freed from Jail
  • 47 The Jailer Becomes a Christian
  • 48 Love is the Best
  • 49 Humble Yourself
  • 50 Heaven

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