
God's Creation Series Our Father's World

by David K. Arwine Author, Michael J. McHugh Author

Science, God's Creations


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
1st - 3rd


  • 1 God Made Everything
  • Days of Creation
  • Words to Know / Questions
  • 2 God Made the Day and the Night
  • Daytime and Nighttime
  • The Sun
  • The Moon
  • The Stars
  • Something You Can Do (project)
  • Words to Know / Questions
  • 3 God Made Seasons
  • God Made Four Seasons
  • God's Special Plan for Each Season
  • The Earth Rests During the Winter
  • The Earth comes Alive in Spring
  • Summer Gives Brightness and Warmth
  • Fall Days are Shorter and cooler
  • Something You Can Do (project)
  • Words to Know / Questions
  • 4 God made Plants
  • Understanding Plants
  • What Are Plants Like?
  • Why Are Plants So Important
  • Plants Help People Too
  • The Four Main Parts of a Plant
  • Many Plants Are Grown for Food
  • Flowers and Fruit
  • Draw a picture of your favorite fruit and flower (project)
  • Where Do Plants Come From?
  • Seeds Are Good to Eat
  • How Do Seeds Travel?
  • Something You Can Do (project)
  • Poem: God's Beautiful World
  • Activity: Bird feeder
  • Words to Know / Questions
  • 5 God Made Insects
  • What is an Insect?
  • Insect Body Parts
  • Some Insects harm Man
  • Some Insects Help Man
  • How Do Insects Protect Themselves?
  • Some Insects change as They Grow
  • Butterflies are Born Twice!
  • (project: butterfly kit)
  • Social Insects
  • How Ants Grow
  • (project: ant farm)
  • Something You Can Do (project)
  • Words to Know / Questions
  • 6 God Made Animals
  • What are Animals
  • Some Animals Go on Vacation
  • Some Animals Sleep All Winter Long
  • Some Animals Must Hunt
  • Questions About Animals
  • Animal Homes
  • City Dwellers
  • "Playing Possum"
  • Animal Tracks
  • Animal Feet
  • Something You Can Do (project)
  • Words to Know / Questions
  • 7 God Made People
  • God's Plan for His People
  • The Sense of Sight
  • Something You Can Do (project)
  • Games to Play
  • Safety First
  • The Sense of Hearing
  • The Sense of Taste
  • Something You Can Do (project)
  • The Sense of Feeling
  • Something to Do (project)
  • Safety First
  • The Sense of Smelling
  • Something You Can Do (project)
  • Caring for Your Body
  • Things To Do Everyday
  • Poem: What a Good Child Loves
  • Words to Know / Questions
  • 8 Studying Things
  • Heavy or Light?
  • Looking at Things
  • Something You Can Do (project)
  • Sink or Float
  • Something To Do
  • Temperature of Things
  • Warm or Cool?
  • How Things Feel
  • Things Come in All Sizes
  • Words to Know / Questions
  • A Few Last Words

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