
My Catholic Faith

by Louis LaRavoire Author

The classic 1954 edition of this fabulous catechism is available again. 193 chapters in three sections: What to Believe, What to Do, and Means of Grace. Abundant Scriptural quotations (excellent for proving Catholic Doctrine to “Bible-Believing” Protestants). It’s also an excellent tool for dealing with liberal Catholics because two subjects of utmost importance are thoroughly treated: the true nature of the Catholic Church (today denied by false ecumenism) and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (today obscured by the New Mass). This catechism is known and loved by Catholics because of its timeless texts, charts, lists and graphs. Profusely and beautifully illustrated! The durable burgundy and gold-embossed hardcover makes it a family heirloom.


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In Print
Sarto House


  • 1 Religion and the End of Man
  • 2 The Apostles' Creed
  • 3 God the Supreme Being
  • 4 Perfection of God
  • 5 Divine Providence
  • 6 Existence of God
  • 7 Divine Revelation
  • 8 Holy Scripture, or The Bible
  • 9 Divine Tradition
  • 10 The Church and Divine Revelation
  • 11 One God in Three Persons
  • 12 Unity of the Blessed Trinity
  • 13 Creation
  • 14 Revelation and Science
  • 15 The Angels
  • 16 The Devils, Temptation
  • 17 An Image of God
  • 18 Adam and Eve: Our First Parents
  • 19 Evolution and The Bible
  • 20 Original Sin
  • 21 Acutal Sin
  • 22 Mortal Sin
  • 23 Venial Sin
  • 24 Occassions and Sources of Sin
  • 25 Pride, Covetousness and Lust
  • 26 Anger, Gluttony, Envy, Sloth
  • 27 The Promise of the Redeemer
  • 28 The God-Man
  • 29 Our Lord Jesus Christ
  • 30 The Incarnation
  • 31 The Nativity
  • 32 The Hidden Life of Jesus Christ
  • 33 The Public Life of Jesus Christ
  • 34 The Passion
  • 35 Calvary
  • 36 The Resurrection
  • 37 The Ascension
  • 38 The Holy Ghost
  • 39 Sanctifying Grace
  • 40 Actual Grace
  • 41 The Theological Virtues
  • 42 Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Ghost
  • 43 Moral Virtues
  • 44 Humility, Liberality, Chastity
  • 45 Meekness, Abstinence, Zeal, Bortherly Love
  • 46 The Eight Beatitudes
  • 47 Foundation of the Church
  • 48 The Apostles: First Bishops of the Church
  • 49 The Primacy of Peter
  • 50 Marks of the True Church
  • 51 The One True Church
  • 52 The Catholic Church: Unity and Holiness
  • 53 The Catholic Church: Catholicity and Apostolicity
  • 54 The Living Church
  • 55 The Catholic Eastern Church Rites
  • 56 The Bishop of Rome
  • 57 Powers of the Pope
  • 58 The Roman Curia
  • 59 The Hierarchy
  • 60 Bishops and Priests
  • 61 The National Catholic Welfare Conference
  • 62 The Laity
  • 63 Catholic Action
  • 64 Church and State
  • 65 Services of the Church to the State
  • 66 Authority the Church
  • 67 Infallibility of the Church
  • 68 Sphere of Infallibility
  • 69 Indefectibility of the Church
  • 70 Salvation and the Catholic Church
  • 71 Schism and Heresy
  • 72 Protestant Churches
  • 73 The Gates of Hell
  • 74 One Body in Christ: Communion of Saints
  • 75 The Forgiveness of Sins
  • 76 Death
  • 77 Particular Judgement
  • 78 Existence in Purgatory
  • 79 Souls in Purgatory
  • 80 Resurrection of the Body
  • 81 General Judgement
  • 82 The Torments of Hell
  • 83 Life Everlasting: Heaven
  • 84 God's Law: Conscience
  • 85 The Great Commandments
  • 86 Love of Ourselves
  • 87 Love of Our Neighbor
  • 88 Our Enemies and Our Friends
  • 89 Works of Mercy
  • 90 Obligation of Good Works
  • 91 The Commandments of God
  • 92 The First Commandment
  • 93 Veneration of Saints
  • 94 Relics and Images
  • 95 Sins Against Faith
  • 96 Religion and Superstition
  • 97 Sins Against Hope and Charity
  • 98 The Second Commandment
  • 99 Oaths and Vows
  • 100 The Third Commandment
  • 101 Unnecessary Servile Work
  • 102 The Fourth Commandment
  • 103 Duties of Parents
  • 104 Duties of Other Superiors
  • 105 Civic Duties
  • 106 The Fifth Commandment
  • 107 Caring for our Health and Life
  • 108 Bad Example and Scandal
  • 109 The Sixth and Ninth Commandments
  • 110 Sinful Desires Against Chastity
  • 111 The Seventh and Tenth Commandments
  • 112 Reparation of Damage to Property
  • 113 Social Justice
  • 114 Capital and Labor
  • 115 The Eighth Commandment
  • 116 Sins Against Truth
  • 117 The Commandments of the Church
  • 118 First Commandment of the Church
  • 119 The Ecclesiastical Year
  • 120 Second Commandment of the Church
  • 121 3rd and 4th Commandments of the Church
  • 122 5th Commandment of the Church
  • 123 The Seven Sacraments
  • 124 The Sacrament of Baptism
  • 125 Form Matter, and Ministers of Baptism
  • 126 Ceremonies and Sponsors in Baptism
  • 127 The Sacrament of Confirmation
  • 128 The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
  • 129 The Real Presence
  • 130 Nature and the History of Sacrifice
  • 131 The New Sacrifice
  • 132 The Mass and Calvary
  • 133 Ends and Fruits of the Mass
  • 134 Value of the Mass; Offerings
  • 135 The Altar
  • 136 Sacred Vessels and Altar Linens
  • 137 Vestments
  • 138 Liturgical Colors
  • 139 Manner of Assisting at Mass
  • 140 The Holy Sacrfice of the Mass
  • 141 Holy Communion
  • 142 Dispositions for Holy Communion
  • 143 Graces from the Holy Eucharist
  • 144 The Sacrament of Penance
  • 145 Examination of Conscience
  • 146 Sorrow for Sin
  • 147 Perfect and Imperfect Contrition
  • 148 Purpose of Amendment
  • 149 Sacramental Confession
  • 150 How to Make a Good Confession
  • 151 Satisfaction for Sin
  • 152 The Seal of Confession
  • 153 Indulgences
  • 154 Grant of Indulgences
  • 155 Gaining an Indulgence
  • 156 The Sacrament of Extreme Unction
  • 157 The Last Sacraments
  • 158 Christian Burial
  • 159 The Sacrament of Holy Orders
  • 160 Major and Minor Orders
  • 161 Powers and Duties of Priests
  • 162 Dignity of Priesthood
  • 163 The Scarmanet of Matrimony
  • 164 Duties of Married Life
  • 165 Divorce
  • 166 Church Laws on Marraige
  • 167 Impediments to Matrimony
  • 168 Dispensations from Matrimonal Impediments
  • 169 Courship and Engagement
  • 170 Preparations for Marriage
  • 171 The Marriage Ceremony
  • 172 Christian Perfection
  • 173 General Means of Perfection
  • 174 The Evangelical Counsels
  • 175 The Religious State
  • 176 Religious Communities
  • 177 Sacramentals
  • 178 Use and Value of Sacramentals
  • 179 Blessed Objects of Devotion
  • 180 Objects and Qualities of Prayer
  • 181 For Whom, When and Where to Pray
  • 182 The Sign of the Cross
  • 183 The "Our Father"
  • 184 Prayers to Mary
  • 185 The Rosary
  • 186 Religious Practices
  • 187 Devotions to the Blessed Sacrament
  • 188 Other Practices of Devotion
  • 189 Processions and Pilgrimages
  • 190 Religious Associations
  • 191 Propagation of the Faith
  • 192 Church Symbolism
  • 193 Why I Am a Catholic
  • 194 The Church Year
  • 195 The Most Important Prayers

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