
The Etiquette Factory

Life Skills 101 Program Features: 142 Life Lessons 25 Question Mid-Term 50 Question Final End of the Year Project What does the student GAIN from this curriculum? Self confidence A keen awareness of how their words & actions impact others The skills they need to help them succeed personally in their lives The skills they need to help them succeed professionally in their lives Character, Integrity & Empathy A well rounded approach to manners The formula for happiness A Certificate of Completion


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Life Lessons

Life Lessons

  • 1 Introduction: What is Etiquette?
  • 2 Integrity
  • 3 Saying Hello
  • 4 Four Points to a Proper Introduction
  • 5 Stand Up
  • 6 Introductions
  • 7 More Introduction Etiquette
  • 8 Addressing Adults
  • 9 When to Shake Hands
  • 10 The Magic Words
  • 11 Making Mistakes
  • 12 Blaming Others
  • 13 Tact
  • 14 Rudeness
  • 15 Giving and Receiving Apologies
  • 16 Accepting the Word "No"
  • 17 When is it OK for you to say No?
  • 18 1st Request
  • 19 Empathy
  • 20 Rules of Borrowing
  • 21 Sharing
  • 22 Eating--A Tim for Friends
  • 23 Never Allow Others to Sit Alone
  • 24 Eating at School
  • 25 Setting the Table
  • 26 More Polite Table Suggestions
  • 27 Table Linens
  • 28 Proper Use of Napkins
  • 29 Sitting Politely at the Table
  • 30 Thanking the Cook
  • 31 Wait
  • 32 Dining Considerations
  • 33 Buffet Lines
  • 34 Passing the Food
  • 35 Correct Use of Utensils
  • 36 American Style of Dining
  • 37 Serving & Buttering Bread
  • 38 Removing Unwanted Items
  • 39 Forks or Fingers?
  • 40 Accidents at the Table
  • 41 Taking the Last Bite
  • 42 Posture Sends a Message
  • 43 Plates shouldn't Sparkle
  • 44 Community Eating
  • 45 No Licking
  • 46 Heaping Plates
  • 47 Continental Style of Dining
  • 48 Soup Etiquette
  • 49 Don't Forget
  • 50 A Note to All
  • 51 Attending Parties
  • 52 Party Invitations
  • 53 Thoughtful Gift Giving
  • 54 Receiving Gifts Graciously
  • 55 Arriving to the Party
  • 56 Birthday Boy/Girl--Center of Attention
  • 57 Participating at a Party
  • 58 Declining Party Foods
  • 59 Thanking the Host
  • 60 Sending "Thank You" Cards
  • 61 When to Send Cards
  • 62 Wedding Anniversary Gifts
  • 63 Gifts for the Host
  • 64 Conversation Etiquette
  • 65 Balance in Coversation
  • 66 Think Before We Speak
  • 67 Never Reveal Confidences
  • 68 Being Positive
  • 69 Keep it Interesting
  • 70 Interrupting
  • 71 Conversation "No-No's"
  • 72 Entering Group Conversation
  • 73 Exiting Conversation
  • 74 Filtering Our Conversation
  • 75 Appropriate Gender Conversation
  • 76 Slamming Doors
  • 77 Telephone Manners
  • 78 Telephone Safety
  • 79 Good Behavior While Others are on the Phone
  • 80 Cell Phone Etiquette
  • 81 Text Messaging
  • 82 Social Networking Etiquette
  • 83 Teasing
  • 84 Cyber Bullying
  • 85 Gossiping
  • 86 Potty Mouth
  • 87 Losing Control
  • 88 Good Hygiene
  • 89 Bodily Cleanliness
  • 90 No Grooming in Public
  • 91 Clothes are Important
  • 92 Dragon Breath
  • 93 Taking Advantage
  • 94 Family Loyalty
  • 95 Respecting Sibling's Property
  • 96 Respecting Other's Property
  • 97 Personal Space
  • 98 Grocery Karts and Cars
  • 99 Disposing of Trash Properly
  • 100 Visiting Other's Homes
  • 101 Riding in Other's Cars
  • 102 Pet Etiquette
  • 103 Swimming Etiquette
  • 104 Music, TV & Movie Etiquette
  • 105 Proper Etiquette During Entertainment
  • 106 Entering & Exiting Rows
  • 107 Etiquette Playing Games
  • 108 Spectator & Sporting Events
  • 109 Playground Etiquette
  • 110 Acts of Kindness toward Ladies
  • 111 Acts of Kindness toward the Elderly
  • 112 Etiquette Towards those with Disabilities
  • 113 Etiquette When Friends Come Over
  • 114 Guest Basket
  • 115 Being a Vaque Guest
  • 116 Being a Good Neighbor
  • 117 Etiquette in the Classroom
  • 118 Respect for Mom & Dad
  • 119 Keeping our Rooms Clean
  • 120 Houses of Worship
  • 121 Removal of Hats
  • 122 Etiquette While Walking
  • 123 A Sign of Respect for a Lady
  • 124 Never Take More Than Your Share
  • 125 Removal of Coats
  • 126 Gentlemen Never Leave a Lady
  • 127 Borrowing Money
  • 128 Sitting Gracefully
  • 129 Unannounced Visits a "No No"
  • 130 Judge Not
  • 131 Etiquette Regarding Other's Beliefs and Customs
  • 132 Funeral Etiquette
  • 133 Biking Etiquette
  • 134 Wedding Etiquette
  • 135 Entering & Exiting an Elevator
  • 136 Choosing Great Friends
  • 137 Hold Advice Until Asked
  • 138 Flag Etiquette
  • 139 Toasting Etiquette
  • 140 Gratuity
  • 141 Babysitter Etiquette
  • 142 Time for Goodbye

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