
Their Hearts Are His Garden

by C.S.J. Sister Mary Marguerite Author

(From Amazon): Any religious program, to succeed, must bring forth in the lives of the participants, religious living. It is the problem and the privilege of the religious teacher, whether at home or in the classroom, to foster and sustain in the child habits of thinking and acting as a child of God. Picture Jesus seated on the hillside where He has just proclaimed the Beatitudes. Mothers press close to Him with children for healing. After His work of mercy is completed, the other children break away from their mothers, to crowd about Him. One climbs into His lap and rests a small head contentedly on His shoulder. Another holds fast to His hand; a third links himself to His other arm. Still others stand at His knees or press against His shoulders. They leave with Him in their hearts and souls. Their lives are different for having known Him. All those they meet they bless with His own blessing. They live for Him. Impr 1940. 100 pg, perfect bound.


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In Print
Refuge of Sinners Publishing, Inc


  • 1 God's Love
  • 2 Baptism
  • 3 Our Father
  • 4 Celebrating Baptism
  • 5 Margaret's Birthday in God's Church
  • 6 Your Patron Saint
  • 7 Saint Francis and His Little Brothers
  • 8 Why the Cross?
  • 9 The Cross
  • 10 Mary
  • 11 The Missions
  • 12 A Visit to Mary
  • 13 Roses for Mary
  • 14 Mother Reaches Katherine
  • 15 Mary Cares for Us
  • 16 Heaven
  • 17 Francis Teaches the Children
  • 18 Living as Children of God
  • 19 Frank's Angel Helps
  • 20 Angel Story
  • 21 Angels' Help
  • 22 Dicky
  • 23 Prayer
  • 24 Obedience - Truth
  • 25 Truth
  • 26 Helping Mother
  • 27 Praying
  • 28 Mother's Love and Care
  • 29 Alice's Shoes
  • 30 Father Helps
  • 31 Love and Care
  • 32 Praying for Father
  • 33 Helping the Missions
  • 34 Saint Teresa
  • 35 Saint Nicholas
  • 36 Saint Valentine
  • 37 The Guardian Angel
  • 38 Michael the Archangel
  • 39 Saint Dominic and the Rosary
  • 40 All Saints' Day
  • 41 All Souls' Day
  • 42 Helping the Holy Souls
  • 43 Advent
  • 44 Mary's Secret
  • 45 Christmas
  • 46 Little Christmas
  • 47 The Blessed Sacrament
  • 48 The Flight into Egypt
  • 49 His Father's Work
  • 50 The Home at Nazareth
  • 51 Feeding the People
  • 52 Jesus Walks on the Water
  • 53 Jesus and the Storm
  • 54 Ash Wednesday
  • 55 Good Friday and Easter Sunday
  • 56 Easter - The Resurrection
  • 57 The Ascension
  • 58 The Holy Ghost Comes - Mary Goes to Heaven

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