
Bible & Character - All in one


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Suggested Grades
Early Years - 12th


  • 1 Mark 14:38 = Alert
  • 2 Matthew 17:5 = Attentive
  • 3 1 Corinthians 6:13 = Bold
  • 4 Ecclesiastes 9:17 = Composed
  • 5 Proverbs 14:26 = Confidence
  • 6 John 15:4 = Constancy
  • 7 Psalm 23:1 = Contentment
  • 8 Psalm 34:3 = Creativity
  • 9 Philippians 4:19 = Desperate
  • 10 Philippians 3:12 = Determination
  • 11 Proverbs 10:4 = Diligent
  • 12 Philippians 1:10 = Discernment
  • 13 2 Corinthians 13:11 = Encouraging
  • 14 Hebrews 11:1 = Faithful
  • 15 Luke 10:25-37 = Flexible
  • 16 Ephesians 4:32 = Forgive
  • 17 Proverbs 11:25 = Generosity
  • 18 Psalm 118:1 = Gratitude
  • 19 Hebrews 13:2 = Hospitable
  • 20 John 3:30 = Humility
  • 21 Psalm 95:1 = Joyful
  • 22 John 15:13 = Love
  • 23 John 15:13 = Loyalty
  • 24 Genesis 6:22 = Obedience
  • 25 Ephesians 4:2 = Patience
  • 26 Romans 12:12 = Peaceful
  • 27 Romans 5:3 & 5 = Perseverance
  • 28 1 Thessalonians 5:17 = Prayerful
  • 29 1 Peter 1:13 = Prepared
  • 30 1 Timothy 4:12 = Purity
  • 31 Daniel 1:8 = Resolved
  • 32 Colossians 3:17 = Responsibility
  • 33 Psalm 99:5 = Reverence
  • 34 Psalm 51:17 = Sacrificial
  • 35 Colossians 1:27b = Security
  • 36 Ephesians 5:21 = Submissive
  • 37 Psalm 86:11 = Teachable
  • 38 Proverbs 31: 10 & 31 = Virtuous
  • 39 Proverbs 1:7 = Wise
  • 40 Psalm 100:2 = Worshipful

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