
Mary of Plymouth

by James Otis Author

A compelling and historically-accurate tale of sixteen-year-old Mary who sailed with over a hundred Pilgrims on the Mayflower to establish a colony in America.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Journal Entries
Suggested Grades
1st - 6th

Journal Entries

  • 1 Why This Story Was Written
  • 2 The Leaking "Speedwell"
  • 3 Searching for a Home
  • 4 After the Storm
  • 5 Wash Day
  • 6 Finding the Corn
  • 7 Attacked by the Savages
  • 8 Building Houses
  • 9 Miles Standish
  • 10 The Sick People
  • 11 The New Home
  • 12 Master White and the Wolf
  • 13 The Inside of the House
  • 14 A Chimney Without Bricks
  • 15 Building the Fire
  • 16 Master Bradford's Chimney
  • 17 Scarcity of Food
  • 18 A Timely Gift
  • 19 The First Savage Visitor
  • 20 Squanto's Story
  • 21 Living in the Wilderness
  • 22 The Friendly Indians
  • 23 Grinding the Corn
  • 24 A Visit from Massasoit
  • 25 Massasoit's Promise
  • 26 Massasoit's Visit Returned
  • 27 The Big House Burned
  • 28 The "Mayflower" Leaves Port
  • 29 Setting the Table
  • 30 What and How We Eat
  • 31 Table Rules
  • 32 When the Pilgrim Goes Abroad
  • 33 Making a Dugout
  • 34 Governor Carver's Death
  • 35 William Bradford Chosen Governor
  • 36 Farming in Plymouth
  • 37 Ways of Cooking Indian Corn
  • 38 The Wedding
  • 39 Making Maple Sugar
  • 40 Decorating the Inside of the House
  • 41 Trapping Wolves and Bagging Pigeons
  • 42 Elder Brewster
  • 43 The Visit to Massasoit
  • 44 Keeping the Sabbath Holy
  • 45 Making Clapboards
  • 46 Cooking Pumpkins
  • 47 The New Oven
  • 48 Making Spoons and Dishes
  • 49 The Fort and Meeting House
  • 50 THe Harvest Festival
  • 51 How to Play Stoolball
  • 52 On Christmas Day
  • 53 When the "Fortune" Arrived
  • 54 Possibility of Another Famine
  • 55 On Short Allowance
  • 56 A Threatening Message
  • 57 Pine Knots and Candles
  • 58 Tallow from Bushes
  • 59 Wicks for the Candles
  • 60 Dipping the Candles
  • 61 When James Runs Away
  • 62 Evil-Minded Indians
  • 63 Long Hours of Preaching
  • 64 John Alden's Tubs
  • 65 English Visitors
  • 66 Visiting the Neighbors
  • 67 Why More Fish Are Not Taken
  • 68 How Wampum Is Made
  • 69 Ministering to Massasoit
  • 70 The Plot Thwarted
  • 71 The Captain's Indian
  • 72 Ballots of Corn
  • 73 Arrival of the "Ann"
  • 74 The "Little James" Comes to Port
  • 75 The New Meeting-House
  • 76 The Church Service
  • 77 The Tithingmen
  • 78 Master Winslow Brings Home Cows
  • 79 A Real Oven
  • 80 Butter and Cheese
  • 81 The Settlement at Wessagussett
  • 82 The Village of Merrymount
  • 83 The First School
  • 84 Too Much Smoke
  • 85 School Comforts
  • 86 How the Children Were Punished
  • 87 New Villages
  • 88 Making Ready for a Journey
  • 89 Clothing for Salem Company
  • 90 Preparing Food for the Journey
  • 91 Before Sailing for Salem
  • 92 Beginning the Journey
  • 93 The Arrival at Salem
  • 94 Sight-Seeing in Salem
  • 95 Back to Plymouth

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