
Collins Bible Handbook

by Jacques Musset Author

(From Amazon): A vivid pictorial presentation of everything you need to know to understand the Bible in its context. Full-color illustrations.


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
New Testament Lessons
Suggested Grades
1st - 3rd

New Testament Lessons

  • 1 The Good News in 27 Books
  • 2 How the New Testament has come to us
  • 3 Jesus
  • 4 Christianity is born in history
  • 5 Rome and the World
  • 6 Means of Communication
  • 7 The economy of the Empire
  • 8 The city of Rome
  • 9 The Roman Forum
  • 10 The circus and the amphitheatre
  • 11 Theatres and baths
  • 12 The Roman House
  • 13 The temples
  • 14 Roman and Jewish burial customs
  • 15 Palestine in the time of Jesus
  • 16 The natural resources of Palestine
  • 17 The new towns of Palestine
  • 18 Jerusalem in the time of Jesus
  • 19 The Temple of Herod
  • 20 The synagogue
  • 21 The Jewish house
  • 22 The expansion of the Empire
  • 23 The Roman administration
  • 24 The peoples of the Empire
  • 25 The Roman army
  • 26 The peoples of the Empire
  • 27 Communication in the Empire
  • 28 The Roman army
  • 29 The Emperor-god
  • 30 Gods of Rome and elsewhere
  • 31 Worship in Rome
  • 32 Rome's conquest of Palestine
  • 33 Herod the Great, King of the Jews
  • 34 Judaism in the time of Jesus
  • 35 The Jewish clergy
  • 36 The Scribes
  • 37 The Pharisees
  • 38 The Sadducees
  • 39 The Sanhedrin
  • 40 The Essenes
  • 41 The Sealots
  • 42 The baptists
  • 43 The messiahs
  • 44 How do we know Jesus?
  • 45 The origin of the gospels
  • 46 Matthew's gospel
  • 47 Mark's gospel
  • 48 Luke's gospel
  • 49 John's gospel
  • 50 Jesus's infancy and childhood
  • 51 Luke's gospel of the infancy
  • 52 The infancy according to Matthew
  • 53 Jesus, disciple of John the Baptist
  • 54 Jesus in the the desert
  • 55 Jesus proclaims the Good News
  • 56 A word that gives life
  • 57 Get up and walk!
  • 58 The blind see, the deaf hear
  • 59 No one is excluded
  • 60 The beatitudes
  • 61 Good News in parables
  • 62 The parables of the Kingdom
  • 63 The workers in the vineyard
  • 64 The guests at the feast
  • 65 'Be on your guard
  • 66 The dead are raised to life
  • 67 Jesus' movements
  • 68 Jesus and his disciples
  • 69 The enemies of Jesus
  • 70 Love your enemies
  • 71 Jesus and children
  • 72 Jesus and women
  • 73 Jesus and his family
  • 74 Jesus and the pagans
  • 75 The possessed man of Gerasa
  • 76 Bread for all
  • 77 Who is my neighbour?
  • 78 Jesus and the rich
  • 79 The God of Jesus
  • 80 Prayer
  • 81 Who is he?
  • 82 The secret revealed
  • 83 The conspiracy
  • 84 Jesus foretells his dealth
  • 85 The triumphal entry into Jerusalem
  • 86 The Last Supper
  • 87 The vigil at Gethsemane
  • 88 The trial
  • 89 The road to Calvary
  • 90 The four accounts of Jesus' dealth
  • 91 He is risen!
  • 92 The risen Lord appears to Mary Magdalene
  • 93 The way to Emmaus
  • 94 Jesus appears to the Eleven
  • 95 The ascension of Jesus
  • 96 The election of Matthias
  • 97 Pentecost
  • 98 The first community in Jerusalem
  • 99 The first clashes with authority
  • 100 The choice of the Seven
  • 101 Stephen, the first martyr
  • 102 The Gospel in Samaria
  • 103 Conversion of an Ethiopian
  • 104 Paul on the road to Damascus
  • 105 Peter among the pagans
  • 106 Foundations of the Church at Antioch
  • 107 James is martyred
  • 108 Peter's escape
  • 109 Paul's first journey
  • 110 The council of Jerusalem
  • 111 Paul's second journey
  • 112 Paul in Athens
  • 113 Paul in Corinth
  • 114 Paul's letters to the Thessalonians
  • 115 Paul's third journey
  • 116 Paul's letters to the Corinthians
  • 117 Paul's letter to the Galatians
  • 118 Paul's letter to the Philippians
  • 119 Paul's letter to the Romans
  • 120 Paul and solidarity between the churches
  • 121 Paul is arrested and tried
  • 122 Shipwreck off Malta
  • 123 Paul's first imprisonment in Rome
  • 124 To the Colossians and the Ephsians
  • 125 Paul's letter to Philemon
  • 126 Paul's last years
  • 127 Letter to the Hebrews
  • 128 Letters of John, James, Jude
  • 129 The Apocalypse of John the Divine

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