
Uncle Sam and You

by Ray and Charlene Notgrass Author

(From Amazon): Uncle Sam and You is a one-year civics and government course for students in grades 5-8. Daily lessons teach your child about the foundations of American government, the elections process, and how Federal, state, and local governments work.

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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Lesson s
Suggested Grades
5th - 8th

Lesson s

  • 1 Welcome Home {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 2 50 States One Nation I {Literature}
  • 3 50 States One Nation II {Thinking Biblically}
  • 4 Out of Many, One {Literature}
  • 5 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 6 The National Archives {Literature}
  • 7 The Declaration of Independence {Literature}
  • 8 The United States Constitution {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 9 The Bill of Rights {Thinking Biblically}
  • 10 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 11 Government on Three Levels {Thinking Biblically; Find Out; Picture This}
  • 12 Government in Three Branches {Literature; Find Out; Picture This}
  • 13 America's Founding Fathers {Literature}
  • 14 Uncle Sam Wants You {Literature}
  • 15 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 16 The Story of the Stars and Stripes {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 17 The Great Seal of the United States {Picture This}
  • 18 More Treasured Symbols of America { Literature}
  • 19 American Ideals {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 20 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 21 Choosing People to Lead {Literature}
  • 22 Presidents Make Peaceful Transitions {Literature}
  • 23 Presidents' Home Sweet Homes {Literature}
  • 24 Presidential Birthdays and Families {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 25 American holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 26 What is Voting? {Literature}
  • 27 Women Gain the Right To Vote {Literature}
  • 28 Minorities Gain the Right to Vote {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 29 Rules About Voting {Literature}
  • 30 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 31 American Political Parties {Thinking Biblically}
  • 32 Jumping into the Race {Literature}
  • 33 Winning Delegates Through Caucuses and Primaries {Literature}
  • 34 Democratic and Republican Conventions {Literature}
  • 35 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 36 Putting Together a Campaign {Thinking Biblically}
  • 37 Advertising Your Candidate {Literature}
  • 38 Traveling the Campaign Trail {Literature}
  • 39 The Presidential Debates {Thinking Biblically}
  • 40 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 41 Getting Ready for Election Day {Literature}
  • 42 Going to the Polls on Election Day {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 43 Finding Out Election Results {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 44 The Electoral College and the Transition Team {Literature}
  • 45 American Holiday {Oral narration}
  • 46 Introducing the People of Washington, D.C. {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 47 Becoming the Capital City {Literature; Find Out}
  • 48 From Mud Streets to Grand Avenues {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 49 Timeline of D.C. National Park Sites {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 50 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 51 Responsibilities of the President {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 52 The Leadership Role of the President {Literature}
  • 53 The President's Day {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 54 The President's Cabinet {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 55 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 56 The Role of the First Lady {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 57 The White House {Literature}
  • 58 The White House Residence Staff {Literature}
  • 59 Going Home to Monticello {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 60 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 61 The United States Capitol {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 62 Organization of the U.S. Congress{Literature}
  • 63 How the U.S. Congress Works {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 64 How a Bill Becomes a Law {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 65 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 66 The Congressional Staff {Literature}
  • 67 Working On Capitol Hill {Literature}
  • 68 The Office of Vice President {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 69 The Library of Congress {Thinking Biblically; Literature; Find Out}
  • 70 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 71 America and the World {Literature; Find Out}
  • 72 Presidential Visits Around the World {Thinking Biblically}
  • 73 The Work of an Ambassador {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 74 A Drive Down Embassy Row {Literature}
  • 75 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 76 The United States Military I {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 77 The United States Military II {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 78 Four Years at West Point {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 79 Three Days of Marine Basic Training {Literature}
  • 80 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 81 In the State Capitol {Literature; Vocabulary}
  • 82 At the State Capitol {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 83 In the Governor's Office {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 84 Around the State {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 85 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 86 At the County Courthouse {Literature; Find Out}
  • 87 Around City Hall {Thinking Biblically; Literature; Find Out}
  • 88 Working Together for a Stop Sign {Thinking Biblically; Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 89 Hometown Celebrations {Thinking Biblically; Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 90 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 91 The Bureau of Indian Affairs {Literature}
  • 92 Native American Tribes and Reservations {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 93 Native Americans and the States {Literature; Creative Writing}
  • 94 Native American Heritage Month {Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 95 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 96 Helping Our Country Be Safe {Literature}
  • 97 The Secret Service {Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 98 Protecting America's Borders {Literature}
  • 99 When an Immigrant Becomes a Citizen {Literature}
  • 100 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 101 Call 9-1-1 {Vocabulary}
  • 102 Fighting Fires, Saving Lives {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 103 Friends and Protectors {Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 104 Ready for the Weather {Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 105 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 106 Justice for All {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 107 Crime and Punishment {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 108 Chuck Colson and Prison Fellowship {Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 109 The Supreme Court {Literature}
  • 110 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 111 America's Free Economy {Literature}
  • 112 The Life of a Dollar Bill {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 113 From Kernel to Cookie {Thinking Biblically; Literature; Find Out}
  • 114 How We Pay for Government {Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 115 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 116 America's God-Given Resources {Vocabulary; Literature; Find Out}
  • 117 Power to Run America {Literature}
  • 118 Roscoe Wind Farm {Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 119 Government and Agriculture {Thinking Biblically; Literature; Find Out}
  • 120 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 121 American Technology {Literature; Find Out}
  • 122 From Tin Cans to Smart Phones {Thinking Biblically; Literature; Find Out}
  • 123 The Travels of a Piece of Mail {Literature}
  • 124 Voice of America {Thinking Biblically; Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 125 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 126 Americans on the Move {Literature}
  • 127 How to Build a Road {Literature}
  • 128 Traveling Together on Mass Transit {Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 129 Working in Transportation {Thinking Biblically; Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 130 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 131 People Helping People {Literature}
  • 132 Federal Helping Programs
  • 133 State and Local Helping Agencies {Thinking Biblically; Find Out}
  • 134 Private Groups That Help Others {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 135 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 136 The Education of a President {Thinking Biblically; Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 137 The Education of a Nation {Literature; Find Out}
  • 138 A Home for American Art
  • 139 A Year of Performing Arts {Literature}
  • 140 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 141 How Americans Preserve History {Thinking Biblically; Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 142 Saving George Washington's Home {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 143 America's State Parks {Literature}
  • 144 Working Tourism {Vocabulary; Literature}
  • 145 American Holiday {Oral Narration}
  • 146 Serving in Three Branches of the Federal Government {Vocabulary; Literature; Find Out}
  • 147 A Civics Day in the USA {Literature}
  • 148 A Civics Day in Your Town {Vocabulary; Literature; Find Out}
  • 149 Uncle Sam and You {Thinking Biblically; Literature}
  • 150 American Holiday {Oral Narration}

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