
Monarch Science 600

by Alpha Omega Publications Author

Introduction to Basic Science


Additional Details

Resource Type
Online course
Print Status
In Print
Lesson s
Suggested Grades
6th - 6th

Lesson s

  • 1 Photosynthesis: Location
  • 2 Experiment: Anacharis Photosynthesis
  • 3 Photosynthesis: The Leaf Factory
  • 4 Experiment: Seeds
  • 5 Photosynthesis: Products
  • 6 Experiment: Digestive Enzymes
  • 7 Photosynthesis: Raw Materials
  • 8 Investigation: Plant Growth
  • 9 Quiz 1
  • 10 Transport System: Roots
  • 11 Experiment: Root Observation
  • 12 Transport System: Stems and Leaves
  • 13 Experiment: Celery
  • 14 Quiz 2
  • 15 Regulatory System
  • 16 Experiment: Growing Roots
  • 17 Quiz 3
  • 18 Review for Test
  • 19 Review Game; Review for Test
  • 20 Test
  • 21 Digestive System: Structure
  • 22 Digestive System: Function
  • 23 Experiment: Digestion
  • 24 Digestive System: Function {Part 2}
  • 25 Experiment: Oil and Soap
  • 26 Experiment: Passing Food
  • 27 Quiz 1
  • 28 Circulatory System
  • 29 Experiment: Pulse Rate
  • 30 Project: Heart
  • 31 Excretory System
  • 32 Experiment: Carbon Dioxide
  • 33 Project: Lungs
  • 34 Experiment: Evaporation and Cooling
  • 35 Quiz 2
  • 36 Muscular System
  • 37 Skeletal System
  • 38 Quiz: Bone Quiz
  • 39 Quiz 3
  • 40 Review
  • 41 Review Game and Review for Test
  • 42 Test
  • 43 The Nervous System
  • 44 Report: The Eye
  • 45 Report: The Ear
  • 46 Nerves and Spinal Column
  • 47 Response and Intelligence
  • 48 Report: Instincts
  • 49 Experiment: Response
  • 50 Experiment: Trial and Error
  • 51 Quiz 1
  • 52 Plant Behavior
  • 53 Investigation: Tropisms
  • 54 Quiz 2
  • 55 Terrestrial Biomes
  • 56 Aquatic Biomes
  • 57 Food Chains
  • 58 Nature: Cycles and Balance
  • 59 Report: Man's Influence
  • 60 Quiz 3
  • 61 Review
  • 62 Review Game and Review for Test
  • 63 Test
  • 64 Reproduction
  • 65 Project: Flower Structure
  • 66 Male-Female Reproduction
  • 67 Project: Lima Bean Embryo
  • 68 Quiz 1
  • 69 Inheritance
  • 70 Project: Mendel's Discovery
  • 71 Taste, Dominance, and Multiple Genes
  • 72 Experiment: Taste Gene Lab
  • 73 Project: Traits
  • 74 Quiz 2
  • 75 DNA
  • 76 Experiment: Albinos
  • 77 Report: Genetics
  • 78 Mutation
  • 79 The Use of Mutations
  • 80 Project: Pea Pod
  • 81 Temperature Influence on Coloration
  • 82 Quiz 3
  • 83 Review
  • 84 Review Game and Review for Test
  • 85 Test
  • 86 Chemical Structure
  • 87 Experiment: Solid, Liquid, Gas
  • 88 Chemical Elements and Atoms
  • 89 Molecules and Compounds
  • 90 Experiment: Copper Iodide
  • 91 Experiment: Calcium Carbonate
  • 92 Quiz 1
  • 93 Periodic Table
  • 94 Project: Water Molecule Model
  • 95 Atomic Mass
  • 96 Project: Atomic Number
  • 97 Arrangement of the Periodic Table
  • 98 Project: Use the Periodic Table
  • 99 Quiz 2
  • 100 Chemical Change
  • 101 Project: Chart and Diagram
  • 102 Report: Chemical Discoveries
  • 103 Acids and Bases
  • 104 Experiment: Acid or Base?
  • 105 Project: From Memory
  • 106 Project: Cause and Effect
  • 107 Project: Chemical Symbols
  • 108 Project: Discussion
  • 109 Quiz 3
  • 110 Review
  • 111 Review Game; Review for Test
  • 112 Test
  • 113 Waves: Sound
  • 114 Experiment: Test Tube Tunes
  • 115 Project: Sound Vibrations
  • 116 Light Waves
  • 117 Project: Light Waves
  • 118 Project: Refracted Light
  • 119 Quiz 1
  • 120 The Spectrum
  • 121 Project: Color Spectrum
  • 122 Project: Create a Rainbow
  • 123 Quiz 2
  • 124 Colors
  • 125 Project: Color Wheel
  • 126 Experiment: Subtractive Colors
  • 127 Experiment: Mixing Colored Lights
  • 128 Mixing Colors
  • 129 Experiment: Mixing Colorants
  • 130 Quiz 3
  • 131 Review
  • 132 Review Game; Review for Test
  • 133 Test
  • 134 Motion, Force, and Work
  • 135 Measurement of Work
  • 136 Experiment: Forces of Lifting and Pulling
  • 137 Project: Unscramble Activity
  • 138 Quiz 1
  • 139 Power and Newton's Laws of Motion
  • 140 Report: Horsepower and Watts
  • 141 Experiment: Your Horsepower
  • 142 Newton's Laws of Motion and Gravitation
  • 143 Experiment: The Law of Inertia
  • 144 Quiz 2
  • 145 Change in Motion
  • 146 Quiz 3
  • 147 Review
  • 148 Review Game; Review for Test
  • 149 Test
  • 150 Earth's Motion
  • 151 Experiment: Balloon Globe
  • 152 Earth's Rotation
  • 153 Time
  • 154 Experiment: Observing Shadows
  • 155 Earth's Orbit
  • 156 Quiz 1
  • 157 Eclipses
  • 158 Project: Fact or Opinion
  • 159 Experiment: Eclipses
  • 160 Quiz 2
  • 161 The Solar System
  • 162 Report: Planets
  • 163 Asteroids, Comets, and Meteoroids
  • 164 Quiz 3
  • 165 Review
  • 166 Review Game; Review for Test
  • 167 Test
  • 168 Astronomy
  • 169 Report: Great Astronomers
  • 170 Astronomy Today
  • 171 Quiz 1
  • 172 Stars
  • 173 Elements and Spectra
  • 174 Project: The Spectroscope
  • 175 Experiment: Spectography
  • 176 Experiment: Oil on Water
  • 177 Magnitude and Luminosity
  • 178 Light Years and Astronomical Units
  • 179 Quiz 2
  • 180 Constellations and Major Stars
  • 181 Project: Betelgeuse and Aldebaran
  • 182 Project: Constellations
  • 183 Quiz 3
  • 184 Review
  • 185 Review Game; Review for Test
  • 186 Test
  • 187 The Photosynthesis System
  • 188 The Transport System of Plants
  • 189 The Digestive System
  • 190 The Excretory System
  • 191 Skeletal and Muscular Systems
  • 192 The Nervous System
  • 193 Genetics and Reproduction
  • 194 Ecological Systems
  • 195 Report: Biomes
  • 196 Quiz 1
  • 197 Physics and Chemistry: Matter
  • 198 Physics and Chemistry: Light
  • 199 Physics and Chemistry: Sound
  • 200 Physics and Chemistry: Motion
  • 201 Physics and Chemistry: Machines
  • 202 Quiz 2
  • 203 Earth's Rotation
  • 204 Earth's Revolution
  • 205 Our Solar System
  • 206 Quiz 3
  • 207 Review
  • 208 Review Game; Review for Test
  • 209 Test

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