Exploring Creation with Physical Science
by Dr. Jay Wile Author
(From Amazon): Exploring Creation with Physical Science provides a detailed introduction to the physical environment and the basic laws that make it work. The fairly broad scope of this book provides students with a solid understanding of the earth s atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Students will also cover weather, motion, Newton's laws, gravity, the solar system, atomic structure, radiation, nuclear reactions, stars, and galaxies. The second edition of the text includes more color and higher-quality illustrations, experiments that are more engaging and easier to perform, and access to additional online resources for more advanced learners. The high-quality hardcover student text contains all student material, study questions, laboratory exercises, and module study guides with color photos and illustrations. This product is the TEXTBOOK ONLY of a two-volume set. A solutions and test manual is also needed in companion with the textbook.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781932012774
- Print Status
- In Print
- Modules
- 177
- Pages
- 498
- Publisher
- Apologia Educational Ministries
- Edition
- 2
- Copyright
- 2007
- 1 The Basics- Introduction
- Atoms and molecules
- Experiment 1.1 Atoms and Molecules
- Measurement and Units
- The Metric System
- Manipulating Units
- Converting between units
- Converting between systems
- Experiment 1.2 Cubits and fingers
- Concentration
- Experiment 1.3 concentration
- 2 Air- introduction
- The Air and humidity
- Experiment 2.1 Evaporation and Temperature
- The composition of air
- Experiment 2.2 Oxygen and Fire
- Carbon Dioxide in the Air
- Experiment 2.3 Carbon Dioxide and the Greenhouse Effect
- Global Warming
- Parts Per Million
- Ozone
- Air Pollution
- 3 The Atmosphere- Introduction
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Experiment 3.1 Atmospheric Pressure
- The layers of Earth's Atmosphere
- The Homosphere
- What is Temperature?
- Experiment 3.2 Seeing the effect of changing temperture
- The Temperture Gradient in the Homesphere
- The "Hole" in the Ozone Layer
- The Heterosphere
- 4 The Wonder of Water- introduction
- The Composition of water
- Experiment 4.1 The Chemical Composition of Water
- Chemical Formulas
- Water's Polarity
- Experiment 4.2 Water's Polarity
- Water as a Solvent
- Experiment 4.3 Solvents and Solutes
- Hydrogen Bonding in Water
- Experiment 4.4 Comparing Solid Water to Solid Butter
- Water's Cohesion
- Experiment 4.5 Water's Cohesion
- Experiment 4.6 The Forces between Molecules
- Hard Water and Soft Water
- 5 The Hydrosphere- introduction
- The Parts of the Hydrosphere and the Hydrologic Cycle
- Experiment 5.1 Evaporation, Condensation, and Percipation
- The Ocean
- Glaciers and Icebergs
- Experiment 5.2 Ice and Salt
- Groundwater and Soil Moisture
- Surface Water
- Atmospheric Moisture
- Experiment 5.3 Cloud Formation
- Water Pollution
- 6 Earth and the Lithosphere- introduction
- The Crust
- The Mantle
- Experiment 6.1 How Sound Travels through different substances
- Experiment 6.2 A Simulation of Plastic Rock
- The Earth's Core
- Experiment 6.3 Making an Electromagnet
- Plate Tectonics
- Experiment 6.4 A Model of Plate Tectonics
- Earthquakes
- Mountains and Volcanoes
- 7 Factors That Affect Earth's Weather- introduction
- Factors that Influence Weather
- Clouds
- Experiment 7.1 A long term weather experiment
- Earth's Thermal Energy
- Latitude and Longitude
- Uneven Thermal Energy Distribution
- Air Masses
- 8 Weather and its Prediction- introduction
- Precipitation
- Thunderstorms
- Experiment 8.1 Making your own Lightning
- Tornadoes and Hurricanes
- Weather maps and weather prediction
- Interpreting the results of Experiment 7.1 and Making Your Own Weather Predictions
- Experiment 8.2 Turning Experiment 7.1 into a Weather Preiction Tool
- 9 An Introduction to the Physics of Motion- introduction
- Mechanics- Yhe Study of Motin, Forces, and Energy
- Speed: How Quickly Motion Occurs
- Velocity: Speed and Direction
- Experiment 9.1 The Importance of Direction
- Accelerating: The Ratevof Change in Velocity
- The Acceleration Due to Gravity
- Experiment 9.2 The Acceleration Due to Gravity is Independent of the Object Falling
- Experiment 9.3 Measuring Height with a Stopwatch
- 10 Newton's Law- introduction
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Newton's First Law of Motion
- Experiment 10.1 Two experiments Demostrating Newton' s First Law
- Experiment 10.2 An Experiment to see how well you understand Newton's First Law
- Friction
- Experiment 10.3 Friction
- Newton's Second Law
- Static and Kinetic Friction
- Newton's Third Law of Motion
- Experiment 10.4 Newton's Third Law
- 11 The Forces in Creation - Part 1 - introduction
- The Four Fundamantal Forces of Creation
- The Gravitational Force
- Force and Circular Motion
- Experiment 11.1 Force and Circular Motion
- A Fictional Force
- The Gravitational Force at work in our solar system
- Comets
- Hey, What About Pluto?
- What causes the Gravitational Force?
- Experiment 11.2 The "Bent Space and Time" Theroy of Gravity
- Experiment 11.3 The Graviton Theroy of Gravity
- A Brief History of our view of the Solor system
- 12 The Forces on Creation - Part 2 - introduction
- James Clerk Maxwell
- The Electromagnetic Force
- Experiment 12.1 Electrical Attraction and Repulsion
- Photons and the Electromagnetic Force
- How objects become electrically charged
- Experiment 12.2 Making and using an Electroscope
- Electrical Circuits
- Resistance
- Experiment 12.3 Current and Resistance
- Switches and Circuits
- Series and Parallel Circuits
- Magnetism
- Permanent Magnets
- 13 The Forces in Creation - Part 3 - introduction
- The Structure of the Atom
- The Periodic Table of the Elements
- The Strong Force
- Radioactivity
- The Dangers of Radioactivity
- The rate of Radioactivity Decay
- Radioactive Dating
- 14 Waves and Sound- introduction
- Waves
- Sound Waves
- Experiment 14.1 The medium through which sound waves travel
- The Speed of Sound
- Experiment 14.2 The speed of sound
- The speed of sound in other objects
- Sound Wavelength and Frequency
- Experiment 14.3 Wavelength and Sound
- The Doppler effect
- Experiment 14.4 The Doppler Effect
- The Volume of Sound
- Experiment 14.5 The Amplitude of a sound Wave
- Uses of Sound Waves
- 15 Light- introduction
- The Dual Nature of Light
- Wavelength and Frequency of light
- Experiment 15.1 Seeing different Wavelengths of light
- Reflection
- Experiment 15.2 The law of reflection
- Refraction
- Experiment 15.3 Refraction of light
- Experiment 15.4 The "Magical " Quarter
- Lenses
- The Human Eye
- How we perceive color
- Experiment 15.5 How the Eye detects color
- Adding and Subtracting Colors
- 16 An Introduction to Astrophysics
- The Sun
- Nuclear Energy
- Classifying the stars in the Universe
- Variable Stars
- Measuring the distance to Stars
- Galaxies
- An Expanding Universe
- Experiment 16.1 An Expanding Universe
- Summing It All Up
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