Etiquette Intermediate
by Monica Irvine Author
Etiquette Intermediate is 125 days of short,concise, yet vital lessons to help your child(ren) master the art of proper manners and social skills. Now, here's the good part...this book is “child taught,” not “mom taught.” Yes, that's right. Each day your student will read the lesson and then that child will teach the family or the class the etiquette skill. The daily activity is usually role playing the skill or a game or further discussion. This book is fun, easy and absolutely brilliant. It will soon become an invaluable treasure to your family and classroom.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-0-9845046-1-9
- Print Status
- In Print
- Life Lessons
- 125
- Pages
- 126
- Suggested Grades
- 4th - 8th
- Publisher
- The Etiquette Factory
- Copyright
- 2010
Life Lessons
- 1 Introduction: What is Etiquette?
- 2 Integrity
- 3 Saying Hello
- 4 Stand Up
- 5 Introductions
- 6 More Introduction Etiquette
- 7 Addressing "Grown-Ups"
- 8 When to Shake Hands
- 9 "Magic Words"
- 10 Making Mistakes
- 11 Blaming Others
- 12 Tact
- 13 Rudeness
- 14 Giving and Receiving Apologies
- 15 Accepting the Word "No"
- 16 When is it OK for you to say No?
- 17 1st Request
- 18 Empathy
- 19 Sharing
- 20 Borrowing
- 21 Eating--A Time to be with Friends and Family
- 22 Never Allow Others to Sit Alone
- 23 Eating at School (or with other Children)
- 24 Setting the Table
- 25 More Polite Table Setting Suggestions
- 26 Table Linens
- 27 Using Your Napkin
- 28 Sitting Politely at the Table
- 29 Thanking and Complimenting the Cook
- 30 Wait...
- 31 Dining Considerations
- 32 Buffet Lines
- 33 Passing the Food
- 34 Correct Use of Utensils
- 35 The American Style of Dining
- 36 Serving & Buttering Bread
- 37 Removing "Unwanted Items"
- 38 Forks or Fingers?
- 39 Accidents at the Table
- 40 Taking the Last Bite
- 41 Don't Forget...
- 42 Relax at Dinner Time
- 43 Attending Parties
- 44 Party Invitations
- 45 Gift Giving
- 46 Receiving Gifts
- 47 Arriving to the Party
- 48 Birthday Boy or Girl, Center of Attention
- 49 Participating at a Party
- 50 Declining Party Foods
- 51 Thanking the Host
- 52 Sending Thank You Cards
- 53 When to Send Cards
- 54 Wedding Anniversary Gifts
- 55 Gifts for the Host
- 56 Conversations
- 57 Balance in Coversations
- 58 Think Before We Speak
- 59 Never Reveal Confidences
- 60 Be Positive
- 61 Keep it Interesting
- 62 Conversation "No-No's"
- 63 Interrupting
- 64 Entering Group Conversation
- 65 Exiting Conversation
- 66 Slamming Doors
- 67 Filtering Our Conversation
- 68 Telephone Manners
- 69 Telephone Safety
- 70 Good Behavior when Others are Using the Phone
- 71 Cell Phone Etiquette
- 72 Text Messaging
- 73 Social Networking Sites
- 74 Good Hygiene
- 75 Bodily Cleanliness
- 76 Clothes
- 77 No "Dragon Breath"
- 78 Teasing
- 79 Gossiping
- 80 Potty Mouth
- 81 Losing Control
- 82 Appropriate Gender Conversation
- 83 Taking Advantage
- 84 Family Loyalty
- 85 Respecting our Sibling's Property
- 86 Respecting Other's Property
- 87 Personal Space
- 88 Grocery Carts and Cars
- 89 Disposing of Trash Properly
- 90 Visiting Others' Homes
- 91 Riding in Others' Cars
- 92 Pet Etiquette
- 93 Swimming Pool Etiquette
- 94 Music, TV & Movie Etiquette
- 95 Proper Etiquette during Entertainment
- 96 Entering & Exiting Rows
- 97 Etiquette while Playing Games
- 98 Being a Spectator at a Sporting Event
- 99 Playground Etiquette
- 100 Acts of Kindness toward Ladies (this includes girls)
- 101 Acts of Kindness towards the Elderly
- 102 Etiquette Towards those with Disabilities
- 103 Etiquette When Friends Come Over
- 104 Guest Room or Guest Basket
- 105 Being a Good Neighbor
- 106 Etiquette in the Classroom
- 107 Respect for Mom & Dad
- 108 Keeping our Rooms Clean
- 109 Polite Etiquette in "Houses of Worship"
- 110 Removal of Hats
- 111 While Walking...
- 112 A Sign of Respect for a Lady
- 113 Never Take More Than Your Share
- 114 Removal of Coats
- 115 Gentlemen Never Leave a Lady
- 116 Borrowing Money
- 117 Sitting Gracefully
- 118 Unannounced Visits: a "No-No"
- 119 Judge Not
- 120 Etiquette Regarding Other Customs and Beliefs
- 121 Funerals
- 122 Biking Etiquette
- 123 Wedding Etiquette
- 124 Entering & Exiting an Elevator
- 125 Practice at Home
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