
Charlotte Mason Volume 4, Ourselves

by Charlotte Mason Author

Ourselves, the fourth volume of Charlotte Mason's Classic Homeschooling Series, is a character curriculum book written directly to children. Book I, Self-Knowledge, is for elementary school students; Book II, Self-Direction, is for older students. Self-Knowledge discusses our human desires and appetites; the "helpers" in our minds, such as intellect, sense of beauty, imagination, and reason; the ways in which we feel and express love for others, including sympathy, kindness, generosity, gratitude, courage, loyalty, and humilty; and truth, justice, and integrity; and ends by encourages children to develop the habit of being useful. Self-Direction is an in-depth discussion of the conscience and virtues such as temperance, chastity, fortitude, and prudence; the will and self-control; and the soul and its capacities, such as prayer, thanksgiving, faith, and praise.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Book, Kindle
Print Status
In Print
Book 1 of 4s
Suggested Grades
5th - 12th
Wilder Publications

Book 1 of 4s

  • 1 Book 1 ; Ch 1 The Country of Mansoul
  • 2 Ch 2 The Perils of Mansoul
  • 3 Ch 3 The Government of Mansoul
  • 4 Pt 1: the House of the Body : Ch 1 The Esquires of the Body : Hungry
  • 5 Ch 2 The Esquires of the Body : Thirst
  • 6 Ch 3 The Esquires of the Body : Restlessness and Rest
  • 7 Ch 4 The Esquires of the Body : Chastitiy
  • 8 Ch 5 The Pages of the Body : The 5 Senses
  • 9 Pt 2 The House of Mind : Ch 1 Ourselves
  • 10 Ch 2 My Lord Intellect
  • 11 Ch 3 The Daemons of the Intellect
  • 12 Ch 4 My Lord Chief Explorer, Imagination
  • 13 Ch 5 The Beauty Sense
  • 14 Ch 6 My Lord Chief Attorney-General , Reason
  • 15 Ch 7 The Lords Of The Exchequer, The Desires (Part 1.)
  • 16 Ch 8 The Lords Of The Exchequer, The Desires (Part 2.)
  • 17 Pt 3 The House of the Heart : Ch 1 The Ways of Love
  • 18 Ch 2 Love's Lords in Waiting: Pity
  • 19 Ch 3 Love's Lords in Waiting : Benevolence
  • 20 Ch 4 Love's Lords in Waiting : Sympathy
  • 21 Ch 5 Love's Lords in Waiting: Kindness
  • 22 Ch 6 Love's Lords in Waiting : Generosity
  • 23 Ch 7 Love's Lords in Waiting Gratitude
  • 24 Ch 8 Love's Lords in Waiting : Courage
  • 25 Ch 9 Love's Lords in Waiting : Loyalty
  • 26 Ch 10 Love's Lords in Waiting : Humility
  • 27 Ch 11 Loves Lords in Waiting :Gladness
  • 28 Lords of the Heart II :Justice Ch 12- Justice, Universal
  • 29 Ch 13 Justice to the Person of Others
  • 30 Ch 14 Truth: Justice in Word
  • 31 Ch 15 Spoken Truth
  • 32 Ch 16 Some Causes of Lying
  • 33 Ch 17 Integrity: Justice in Action
  • 34 Ch 18 Opinions: Justice in Thought
  • 35 Ch 19 Principles :Justice in Motive
  • 36 Ch 20 Justice to Ourselves ; Self - Ordering
  • 37 Part IV - Vocation
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