
A Reason for Handwriting K

by Carol Ann Retzer Author

(From Amazon): Quick Overview Handwriting is now "The Most Fun Class of the Day!" The entire year's Theme is based on Creation. Each introduced letter focuses on one of God's creations. Letter formation is introduced in four similar letter groupings: circles, curves, down strokes and slant strokes. Multi-Sensory Activities and Differentiated Instruction options include See, Hear, Move With, and Write each new letter. Starting dots and arrows guide students in the proper early letter formation process.


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The Concerned Group, Inc.


  • Page 7 - Trace the line to help the animal find it's food. Page 8 - Trace the bubbles
  • Page 9 - Trace the grapes. Page 10 - Trace the straight and slanted lines
  • Page 11 - Trace the circles
  • Page 12 - Trace the circles and lines
  • Page 13 - Trace the slanted lines
  • Page 14 - Trace each bubble
  • 1 o, octopus
  • 2 c, cat
  • 3 c, alligator
  • 4 d, dog
  • 5 g, goat
  • 6 q, quail
  • REVIEW - o,c,a, d, g, q
  • 7 l, lion
  • 8 b, bear
  • 9 p, penguin
  • 10 h, hippo
  • 11 r, rabbit
  • 12 n, newt
  • 13 m, mouse
  • REVIEW - b, p, h, r, n, m
  • 14 e, elephant
  • 15 i, iguana
  • 16 j, jaguar
  • 17 u, umbrella
  • 18 s, snail
  • 19 t, turtle
  • 20 f, frog
  • REVIEW - e,j,s, f, t, u
  • 21 k, kangaroo
  • 22 v, vulture
  • 23 w, walrus
  • 24 f, fox
  • 25 y, yak
  • 26 z, zebra
  • REVIEW - k, v, w, f, y, z
  • Write the entire alphabet (lowercase)
  • 27 O, Owl
  • 28 C, Clouds
  • 29 G, Goose
  • 30 Q, Quartz
  • 31 L, Leaf
  • 32 T, Tree
  • REVIEW - pg. 91-92 Capitals and Lowercase
  • 33 E, Eagle
  • 34 F, Fish
  • 35 H, Horse
  • 36 I,
  • 37 J, Jellyfish
  • 38 U, Universe
  • 39 S, Sun
  • REVIEW - Pg. 107-108 - Capitals and Lowercase
  • 40 P, Pumpkin
  • 41 B, Butterfly
  • 42 R, Rainbow
  • 43 D, Dolphin
  • 44 N, Nest
  • 45 M, Monkey
  • REVIEW - Pg. 121-122 - Capitals and Lowercase
  • 46 A, Apple
  • 47 K, Koala
  • 48 V, Volcano
  • 49 W, Watermelon
  • 50 Y, Yucca
  • 51 I, Ibex
  • 52 Z, Zebu
  • REVIEW - Pg. 137-138 - Capitals and Lowercase
  • REVIEW - Pg 139-140 - Lowercase
  • REVIEW - Pg. 141-142 - Lowercase
  • REVIEW - Pg. 143-144 - Lowercase letters with tails & Tall Lowercase letters

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