
Mystery Science - Spaceship Earth

by Mystery Science Author

These 6 Mysteries provide 6 weeks of content. This astronomy unit helps students develop a new perspective on the world they’re standing on. They will be given evidence that the Earth beneath our feet is actually moving through space, both spinning on its axis, and traveling in a great orbit around the Sun.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Online Science Lessons
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
4th - 7th


  • 1 Day, Night, & Earth's Rotation - Why does the sun rise and set?
  • 2 Earth's Rotation & Time - Who set the first clock?
  • 3 Seasons & Earth's Revolution 0 Why do the stars change with the seasons?
  • 4 Seasonal Changes & Sun's Path - How can the sun tell you the season?
  • 5 Moon Phases, Lunar Cycle - Why does the moon change shape?
  • 6 Planets & Solar System - What are the wandering stars?

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