by Penny Norman, PhD. Author
(From Amazon): For children ages 5 through 1035 Activities. Includes a full-color 40 page instruction book and materialsAuthor: Penny Norman, Ph.D.Editor: Ann EinsteinThose candle making, water squirting, freezing thawing, glop and mud pie experiments every child should do to explore the matter of matter.· Make candles· Squirt with water pressure· Squeeze an egg into a bottle· Capture a CO2 explosion· Grow crystals· Sink and float an egg· Dye flowers from the inside· Expand and contract with freezer fun
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Toy
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 37
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 5th
- Publisher
- 1 A Matter of Matter
- 2 Solid, Liquid or Gas?
- 3 Liquids: Shape and Size
- 4 Shaping Water Balloons
- 5 Measuring and Pouring
- 6 Gases and Air
- 7 Gases: Size and Shape
- 8 Shaping Air Balloons
- 9 Changing States of Matter
- 10 Freezer Fun
- 11 Making Candles
- 12 Liquids
- 13 Squirting with Pressure
- 14 Pressure Puzzle
- 15 Mixing Oil and Water?
- 16 Floating with Density Changes
- 17 Brain Teaser: Sink or Swim?
- 18 How Small is Small?
- 19 Matter's Molecules
- 20 Tricks with Water's Skin
- 21 Flowing Liquids, Down and Up
- 22 Making Water Flow Up!
- 23 Coloring Flowers
- 24 Gases
- 25 Proving Air is There
- 26 Making Your Own Gas
- 27 Balloons- Sink or Float?
- 28 Oxygen to Burn
- 29 Air Pressure
- 30 Candles and Oxygen
- 31 Squeezing an Egg Into a Bottle
- 32 Solid Solids
- 33 Archimedes' Way
- 34 Sink or Float
- 35 Dissolve or Not?
- 36 Filtering
- 37 Growing Crystals
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