
Oliver Twist [SCM]

by Charles Dickens Author

The story of little Oliver, the workhouse foundling


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
7th - 12th
Geographical Setting
Historical Setting
1830 - 1830
Holt, Rinehart and Winston


  • 1 Treats of the place where Oliver Twist was born
  • 2 Treats of Oliver Twist's growth, education, and board
  • 3 Relates how Oliver Twist was very near getting a place
  • 4 Oliver, being offered another place
  • 5 Oliver mingles with new associates
  • 6 Oliver being goaded by the taunts of Noah
  • 7 Oliver continues refractory
  • 8 Oliver walks to London
  • 9 Containing further particulars concerning the pleasant old gentleman
  • 10 Oliver becomes better acquainted with the characters of his new associates
  • 11 Treats of Mr. Fang the police magistrate
  • 12 In which Oliver is taken better care of than he ever was before
  • 13 Some new acquaintances are introduced to the intelligent reader
  • 14 Comprising further particulars of Oliver's stay at Mr. Brownlow's
  • 15 Showing how very fond of Oliver Twist, the merry old Jew and Miss Nancy were
  • 16 Relates what became of Oliver Twist
  • 17 Oliver's destiny continuing unpropitious
  • 18 How Oliver passed his time in the improving society of his reputable friends
  • 19 In which a notable plan is discussed and determined on
  • 20 Wherein Oliver is delivered over to Mr. William Sikes
  • 21 The expedition
  • 22 The burglary
  • 23 Which contains the substance of a pleasant conversation between Mr. Bumble and a lady
  • 24 Treats of a very poor subject
  • 25 Wherein this history reverts to Mr. Fagin and company
  • 26 In which a mysterious character appears upon the scene
  • 27 Atones for the unpoliteness of a former chapter
  • 28 Looks after Oliver, and proceeds with his adventures
  • 29 Has an introductory account of the inmates of the house
  • 30 Relates what Oliver's new visitors thought of him
  • 31 Involves a critical position
  • 32 Of the happy life Oliver began to lead with his kind friends
  • 33 Wherein the happiness of Oliver and his friends, experiences a sudden check
  • 34 Contains some introductory particulars relative to a young gentleman
  • 35 Containing the unsatisfactory result of Oliver's adventure
  • 36 Is a very short one
  • 37 In which the reader may perceive a contrast
  • 38 Containing an account of what passed between Mr. and Mrs. Bumble
  • 39 Introduces some respectable characters with whom the reader is already acquainted
  • 40 A strange interview
  • 41 Containing fresh discoveries
  • 42 An old acquaintance of Oliver's exhibiting decided marks of genius
  • 43 Wherein is shown how the Artful Dodger got into trouble
  • 44 The time arrives for Nancy to redeem her pledge to Rose Maylie
  • 45 Noah Claypole is employed by Fagin on a secret mission
  • 46 The appointment kept
  • 47 Fatal consequences
  • 48 The flight of Sikes
  • 49 Monks and Mr. Brownlow at length meet
  • 50 The pursuit and escape
  • 51 Affording an explanation of more mysteries than one
  • 52 Fagin's last night alive
  • 53 And last

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