
Meteorology: Weather and Atmosphere

by Mindi Eldridge Author, The Good and the Beautiful Curriculum Other

Packed with experiments and activities, this science unit explores weather and atmosphere in detail. The packet includes 121 pages and is designed to help children gain knowledge of meteorology as they recognize God’s hand and feel of the wonders of this world. This unit is very hands-on and requires more supplies and prep time than some other science units.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Unity Study
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
1st - 8th


  • 1 The Creation of Weather
  • 2 Introduction to the Seasons
  • 3 Why We Have Seasons
  • 4 The Earth's Atmosphere
  • 5 What is Weather?
  • 6 Measuring Weather
  • 7 What is Air?
  • 8 Air Pressure
  • 9 Air Temperature
  • 10 Temperature Affects Air
  • 11 Wind
  • 12 What are Clouds
  • 13 Types of Clouds
  • 14 Rain
  • 15 Thunder and Lightening
  • 16 Snow, Hail, and Blizzards
  • 17 Severe Weather: Tornadoes
  • 18 Severe Weather: Hurricanes
  • 19 Forecasting Weather
  • 20 Unit Conclusion

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