
New Catholic Children's Bible

(From Amazon): Illustrated Bible stories from both the Old and New Testaments.


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Early Years - 5th
Catholic Book Pub Co


  • 1 God's Creation of the World, Pg 13
  • 2 Adam and Eve, Pg 14
  • 3 Cain and Abel, Pg 16
  • 4 God Decides to Punish the Earth, Pg 19
  • 5 The Flood, Pg 20
  • 6 A Covenant with Noah, Pg 23
  • 7 The Tower of Bable, Pg 24
  • 8 God Calls Abraham and Sarah, Pg 27
  • 9 God Visits Abraham and Sarah, Pg 28
  • 10 Isaac Marries Rebekah, Pg 31
  • 11 Esau and Jacob, Pg 32
  • 12 Isaac and Jacob, Pg 34
  • 13 Jacob and Esau Meet Again, Pg 36
  • 14 Joseph and His Brothers, Pg 39
  • 15 Joseph Explains the Dream of Pharaoh, Pg 40
  • 16 Baby Moses, Pg 43
  • 17 Moses at the Well, Pg 44
  • 18 The Burning Bush, Pg 47
  • 19 Moses before Pharaoh, Pg 48
  • 20 The Plagues: Locusts, Pg 51
  • 21 Crossing the Red Sea, Pg 52
  • 22 Manna in the Desert, Pg 54
  • 23 Water from the Rock, Pg 56
  • 24 Israelites Victorious Against Amalek, Pg 59
  • 25 The Ten Commandments, Pg 60
  • 26 The Anger of Moses, Pg 63
  • 27 The Israelites Prepare to Enter Canaan, Pg 64
  • 28 Moses Raises the Brass Serpent, Pg 66
  • 29 Balaam and the Angel, Pg 68
  • 30 Israelites Enter the Promised Land, Pg 70
  • 31 The Ark of the Covenant, Pg 72
  • 32 The Walls of Jericho, Pg 75
  • 33 The Stregnth of Samson, Pg 77
  • 34 Samson and Delilah, Pg 79
  • 35 Samson Regains his Strength, Pg 80
  • 36 Ruth, Pg 83
  • 37 The Child of Samuel, Pg 84
  • 38 The Philistines Seize the Ark, Pg 87
  • 39 Samuel Anoints Saul, Pg 88
  • 40 Saul Disobeys God, Pg 91
  • 41 David and Saul, Pg 92
  • 42 David and Goliath, Pg 95
  • 43 David Escapes from Saul, Pg 96
  • 44 The Death of Saul, Pg 99
  • 45 David Becomes King, Pg 100
  • 46 The Death of Absalom, Pg 102
  • 47 King Solomon, Pg 104
  • 48 The Triumph of Solomon, Pg 107
  • 49 The Prophet Elijah, Pg 108
  • 50 Elisha Watches Elijah Taken to Heaven, Pg 111
  • 51 King Josiah, Pg 113
  • 52 King Nebuchandnezzar of Babylon, Pg 114
  • 53 The Prophet Isaiah, Pg 117
  • 54 Jeremiah the Prophet, Pg 119
  • 55 The Babylonian Exile, Pg 120
  • 56 Belshazzar's Banquet, Pg 123
  • 57 Daniel and the Writing on the Wall, Pg 124
  • 58 Daniel in the Lions' Den, Pg 127
  • 59 Return to Jerusalem, Pg 128
  • 60 Jonah and the Whale, Pg 130
  • 61 Zecharaiah and Elizabeth, Pg 134
  • 62 The Annunciation, Pg 136
  • 63 The Visitation, Pg 139
  • 64 The Birth of Jesus, Pg 140
  • 65 The Presentation, Pg 143
  • 66 The Flight into Egypt, Pg 144
  • 67 Jesus is Found in the Temple, Pg 147
  • 68 The Baptism of Jesus, Pg 148
  • 69 Jesus is Tempted, Pg 151
  • 70 Jesus Calls Peter and Andrew, Pg 152
  • 71 The Wedding Feast at Cana, Pg 154
  • 72 Jesus Heals a Crippled Man, Pg 156
  • 73 The Sermon on the Mount, Pg 159
  • 74 The Centurion, Pg 160
  • 75 The Widow's Son, Pg 163
  • 76 Jesus Calms the Storm, Pg 164
  • 77 The Man who was Deaf, Pg 167
  • 78 Jesus Heals the Man with the Withered Hand, Pg 168
  • 79 The Beheading of John the Baptist, Pg 171
  • 80 The Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish, Pg 172
  • 81 Jesus Walks on Water, Pg 175
  • 82 The Transfiguration, Pg 176
  • 83 Jesus and the Children, Pg 179
  • 84 The Good Samaritan, Pg 180
  • 85 THe Prodigal Son, Pg 183
  • 86 Jesus Raises Lazarus, Pg 184
  • 87 Jesus Enters Jerusalem, Pg 187
  • 88 The Last Supper, Pg 188
  • 89 The Agony in the Garden, Pg 191
  • 90 "Behold the Man" Pg 192
  • 91 Jesus Carries His Cross, Pg 195
  • 92 Jesus Dies on the Cross, Pg 196
  • 93 Jesus is Carried to His Tomb, Pg 198
  • 94 The Resurrection, Pg 200
  • 95 Doubting Thomas, Pg 202
  • 96 The Ascension, Pg 205
  • 97 The Descent of the Holy Spirit, Pg 206
  • 98 Peter, the First Pope, Pg 209

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