
Friendly Biology (Christian Worldview Edition)

by Dr. Joey A. Hajda Author

(From Amazon): Friendly Biology opens the world of biology to high school students in a gentle, non-intimidating manner. Students are led through meaningful, well-written lessons and lab activities with the goal of attaining a greater respect for the beauty and complexity of living things. Topics covered include: Characteristics common to all living things; Basic chemistry as it pertains to living things; The roles of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids in living systems; Cytology; Mitosis and meiosis; Chromosome duplication and protein synthesis; The importance of pH in living systems; Methods of reproduction; Mendelian genetics; Taxonomy; A survey of members of each kingdom of living things with emphasis placed on various classes and orders of importance; An overview of all body systems of humans and Ecology of living things. 28 lessons with lab activities included. Worksheet pages sold separately in Student Workbook. Tests sold separately in Tests and Answer Keys Booklet.


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
9th - 12th
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform


  • 3 Carbohydrates: Read (Day 1) and Watch (Day 2)
  • 3 Lab: Testing for the Presence of a Starch
  • 3 Workbook
  • 3 Test
  • 3 Correct Test
  • 4 Lipids: Read and Lab 1 (Day 1) and Watch (Day 2)
  • 4 Lab 2: Making Butter
  • 4 Workbook
  • 4 Test
  • 4 Correct Test
  • 5 Proteins: Read (Day 1) and Watch (Day 2)
  • 5 Lab: Proteins and Enzymes
  • 5 Workbook
  • 5 Test
  • 5 Correct Test
  • 6 pH: Read and Lab 1(Day 1) and Watch (Day 2)
  • 6 Lab 2: Making Yogurt & Lab 3: Making Fresh Cheese (Queso Blanco)
  • 6 Workbook & (Start Chapter 7 lab 1: Osmosis with Eggs Parts 1-3 )
  • 6 Test & (Start Chapter 7 lab 1 Part 4)
  • 6 Correct Test & Lab 1 Part 5
  • 7 Cytology (Part 1): Read & Lab 1 Parts 6 & 7
  • 7 Watch & Lab 1 Parts 8 & 9
  • 7 Workbook & Lab 1 Part 10
  • 7 Lab 1 Parts 11 & 12 and discussion
  • 7 Lab 2: Osmosis and Veggies Parts 1-6
  • 7 Lab 2 Parts 7 & 8
  • 7 Lab 2 Parts 9 & 10
  • 7 Workbook/ Lab 2 Parts 11 & 12 and discussion
  • 7 Test
  • 7 Correct Test
  • 8 Cytology (Part 2): Read (Day 1) and Watch (Day 2)
  • 8 Lab: Making a Cell Model (Make or sketch)
  • 8 Workbook
  • 8 Test
  • 8 Correct Test
  • 9 Cell Division (Mitosis): Read (Day 1) and Watch (Day 2)
  • 9 Lab: Creating a Mitosis Model Display
  • 9 Workbook
  • 9 Test
  • 9 Correct Test
  • 10 Chromosome Duplication: Read (Day 1) and Watch (Day 2)
  • 10 Lab: Building a DNA Model
  • 10 Workbook
  • 10 Test
  • 10 Correct Test
  • 11 Protein Synthesis: Read (Day 1) and Watch (Day 2)
  • 11 Lab: Protein Synthesis Race Game
  • 11 Workbook
  • 11 Test
  • 11 Correct Test
  • 12 Methods of Reproduction: Read (Days 1 & 2)
  • 12 Watch (Day 3)
  • 12 Lab: Growing Oyster Mushrooms (4-6 week project)
  • 12 Workbook
  • 12 Test
  • 12 Correct Test
  • 13 Genetics: Read (Days 1 & 2)
  • 13 Watch (Day 3)
  • 13 Workbook
  • 13 Test
  • 13 Correct Test
  • 14 Taxonomy: Read/Computer Activity (Days 1 & 2)
  • 14 Watch (Day 3)
  • 14 Workbook
  • 14 Test
  • 14 Correct Test
  • 15 Kingdom Animalia: Read (Day 1) and Watch (Day 2)
  • 15 Workbook
  • 15 Test
  • 15 Correct Test
  • 16 Kingdom Animalia (Phylum Chordata): Read (Day 1) and Watch (Day 2)
  • 16 Workbook
  • 16 Test
  • 16 Correct Test
  • 17 Kingdom Plantae: Read (Day 1) and Watch (Day 2)
  • 17 Workbook
  • 17 Test
  • 17 Correct Test
  • 18 Kingdom Monera and Viruses: Read (Day 1) and Watch (Day 2)
  • 18 Workbook
  • 18 Test
  • 18 Correct Test
  • 19 Kingdom Protista: Read (Day 1) and Watch (Day 2)
  • 19 Workbook
  • 19 Test
  • 19 Correct Test
  • 20 Kingdom Fungi: Read (Day 1) and Watch (Day 2)
  • 20 Workbook
  • 20 Test
  • 20 Correct Test
  • 21 Body Systems of Movement: Read (Days 1 & 2)
  • 21 Watch (Day 3)
  • 21 Workbook
  • 21 Test
  • 21 Correct Test
  • 22 Body Systems of Nutrient Delivery: Read (Days 1 & 2)
  • 22 Watch (Day 3)
  • 22 Workbook
  • 22 Test
  • 22 Correct Test
  • 23 Acquisition of Energy Sources: Read (Days 1 & 2)
  • 23 Watch (Day 3)
  • 23 Workbook
  • 23 Test
  • 23 Correct Test
  • 24 Body Systems of Waste Management: Read (Day 1)
  • 24 Watch (Day 2)
  • 24 Workbook
  • 24 Test
  • 24 Correct Test
  • 25 Body Systems of Growth and Development: Read (Days 1 & 2)
  • 25 Watch (Day 3)
  • 25 Workbook
  • 25 Test
  • 25 Correct Test
  • 26 Body Systems of Reproduction Read (Day 1) & Watch (Day 2)
  • 26 Workbook
  • 26 Test
  • 26 Correct Test
  • 27 Sensory Systems of the Body: Read intro & about sight
  • 27 Read about the ears
  • 27 Read about taste
  • 27 Read about touch and rest
  • 27 Watch
  • 27 Workbook
  • 27 Test
  • 27 Correct Test
  • 28 Ecology: Read (Days 1 & 2) and Watch (Day 3)
  • 28 Workbook
  • 28 Test
  • 28 Correct Test

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