
The Book of Astronomy Student Book

The Book of Astronomy program covers constellations, the motion of the earth, and the names of stars, as well as the sky as seen throughout all the seasons, including the “Summer Triangle” and the fall and winter zodiacs. Since the constellations are named after many characters in Greek mythology, D’Aulaires Greek Myths is a great resource to have on hand with this program. The Book of Astronomy was developed with 3rd graders in mind, but it can be used with older students just as well.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Student Workbook
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
3rd - 5th
Memoria Press


  • 1 Read p. 7-13, memorize 1st 5 of brightest stars, complete p. 14
  • 2 Read p. 15-18, memorize next 5 of brightest starts, complete p. 19
  • 3 Read p. 20-21, memorize last of the 15 brightest stars, complete p. 22
  • 4 Read p. 23, recite 15 brightest stars, complete p. 24-25
  • 5 Read p. 26, complete p. 27 and top of p. 28
  • 6 Read pp. 29-36, complete p. 37-38, Recite zodiac constellations with translations
  • 7 Review, p. 39-47, recite 15 brightest stars
  • 8 Unit I Test
  • 9 Read pp. 48-50, complete exercises p. 51-52, draw & label Orion & surrounding animals
  • 10 Read p. 54, complete exercises 55-57, recite brightest 15 stars
  • 11 Read p. 58-61, complete exercises 62-63, Recite 12 zodiac signs
  • 12 Read p. 64, complete exercise 65
  • 13 Read p. 66, complete exercises 67-78, Poetry for the Grammar Stage "The Pleadies"
  • 14 Read p. 69, complete exercises70-72, Recite the 15 brightest stars & "The Pleadies"
  • 15 Review, complete exercises p. 73-82, Recite "The Pleiades"
  • 16 Unit 2 Test
  • 17 Read p. 83-84, complete exercises 85-86, recite 15 brightest stars
  • 18 Read p. 87, complete exercises 88-90
  • 19 Read p. 91-93, complete exercises p. 94
  • 20 Read p. 96-97, complete exercises 98-99
  • 21 Read p. 100-103, complete exercises p. 104-105, recite "The Pleiades"
  • 22 Read p. 106, complete exercises p. 107-108, recite 15 brightest stars & 12 zodiacs
  • 23 Review, complete 109-114, recite 15 brightest stars, 12 zodiacs, and "The Pleiades"
  • 24 Unit 3 Test
  • 25 Read p. 115-121, complete exercises p. 122
  • 26 Read p. 123-124, complete exercises p. 125, recite 15 brightest stars & their constellations
  • 27 Read p. 126-127, complete exercises p. 128, recite 12 zodiacs & English translations
  • 28 Read p. 129-130, complete exercises p. 131, recite "The Pleiades"
  • 29 Read p. 132-133, complete exercises p. 134, complete the chart in appendix with facts on Uranus & Neptune
  • 30 Read p. 135-139, complete exercises p. 140
  • 31 Review, complete exercises p. 141-147
  • 32 Unit 4 Test, Recite 15 brightest stars, 12 Zodiacs, & "The Pleiades"
  • 33 Final Test

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