
Signs and Seasons Field Journal and Test Manual

by Jay Ryan Author

(From Amazon): A Workbook for Establishing High School Credit

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Fourth Day Press


  • 1-1 Create a Backyard Compass
  • 1-2 Sunrise, Sunset, and Noon
  • 1-3 Noon shadows
  • 1-4 Is your neighborhood "astronomically aligned"?
  • 1-5 Exposures
  • 1-6 Finding Direction Around Your Hometown
  • 1-7 Twilight Activity
  • 1-8 Earth's Rotation
  • 1-9 Sun's Daily Motion
  • 1-10 Historical Timeline
  • 1-11 Seeing the Horizon
  • 1-13 Globe Activities
  • 1-12 Make a Sun Volvelle
  • 2-1 Northern Constellations
  • 2-2 Learn to find the constellation Orion
  • 2-3 Rotation around Polaris
  • 2-4 Cardinal Line Activity
  • 2-5 Make a Northern Stars Volvelle
  • 2-6 Meridian Activities
  • 2-7 Globe Activity
  • 2-8 Circumpolar Circle Activity
  • 2-9 Direction Activity
  • 2-10 Celestial Globe Activity
  • 2-11 Celestial Equator Activities
  • 2-12 Make an Orion Volvelle
  • 3-1 Basic Definitions
  • 3-2 Moon Phases - First Month
  • 3-3 Moon Phases - Second Month
  • 3-4 Moon Phases - Third Month
  • 3-5 Globe Activity
  • 3-6 Volvelle Activity
  • 4-1 Visibility of the Night Sky
  • 4-2 Sketching Activities
  • 4-3 Observing the Constellations
  • 4-4 Research Activity
  • 4-5 Celestial Globe Activity
  • 4-6 Volvelle Activity
  • 5-1 Research Activities
  • 5-2 Flat Map Activity
  • 5-3 Solar System Map
  • 5-4 Observing Activities
  • 5-5 Finding Your Local High Noon
  • 5-6 Noon Shadow Activity
  • 5-7 Lag of the Seasons Activity
  • 5-8 Globe Activities
  • 5-9 Celestial Globe Activity
  • 5-10 Orion-Constellation Volvelle Activity
  • 6-1 Sketching, Flat Map and Celestial Globe Activities
  • 6-2 Find Your Limiting Magnitude
  • 6-3 Observing the Zodiac
  • 6-4 Observe the First Magnitude Stars
  • 6-5 Observe the Northern Sky
  • 6-6 Observe Orion
  • 6-7 Visual Acuity Activity
  • 6-8 Globe Activity
  • 6-9 Volvelle Activities
  • 7-1 Solar System Map Activity
  • 7-2 Flat Map Activity
  • 7-3 Observe Venus
  • 7-4 Observe the Superior Planets
  • 7-5 Observe the Conjunctions
  • 7-6 Observing the Moon Along the Zodiac
  • 7-7 Observing Moon Shadows
  • 7-8 Half Moon at Meridian (for advanced observers)
  • 7-9 Orion-Constellation Volvelle Activity

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