
Language Arts & Literature Level 2

by Jenny Phillips Author

Subjects Covered Phonics Reading Spelling Grammar and Punctuation Literature Art Appreciation Writing Geography


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
2nd - 3rd
The Good and The Beautiful


  • 1 Phonograms Review
  • 2 Literature
  • 3 Reading Review
  • 4 Geography - God's Plan for Our World
  • 5 QU
  • 6 Commas in a Series
  • 7 OR Can Also Say ER
  • 8 Oral Narration - Fictional Story
  • 9 Common & Proper Nouns
  • 10 Phonograms Review - OR, AR, IR, ER
  • 11 OO
  • 12 Soft C and G
  • 13 EAR
  • 14 ALK & IGH
  • 15 Silent E - Jobs 1-4
  • 16 Phonograms Review - WH, WR, EA, OA
  • 17 Verbs
  • 18 PH, GH, IGH
  • 19 EY
  • 20 Phonograms REview - EW, OW, OU
  • 21 The Good Rain
  • 22 Geography - Maps #1
  • 23 ANK, IND, ILD, INK
  • 24 Short Story - "The Miller"
  • 25 Poetry
  • 26 Open Syllables
  • 27 The Chipmunk That Went to Church: Part 1
  • 28 Spelling Rule #1 - Part 1
  • 29 The Chipmunk That Went to Church: Part 2
  • 30 The Chipmunk That Went to Church: Part 3
  • 31 Adjectives
  • 32 Prepositions
  • 33 Geography - North America
  • 34 Grammar & Usage Review
  • 35 My Daddy Longlegs: Part 1
  • 36 The Subject of a Sentence
  • 37 My Daddy Longlegs: Part 2
  • 38 Diagramming Sentences - Step 1
  • 39 Geography - Germany & The United States
  • 40 Reading Review
  • 41 Literature - The Ugly Duckling
  • 42 Literature - NonFIction
  • 43 Spelling Rule #1 - Part 2
  • 44 AIL & AIR Word Families
  • 45 Good & Beautiful Books - Lumber Camp LIbrary & The Prairie School
  • 46 Commas in Dates
  • 47 Diagramming Sentences - Steps 2 & 3
  • 48 Nonfiction
  • 49 KN and MB
  • 50 Geography - The Equator
  • 51 Spelling Rule #3 - Part 1
  • 52 OW and OE Can Sy /o/ (as in row)
  • 53 Reading Skills: Compund WOrds
  • 54 Poetry
  • 55 A Sentence Needs THree Things
  • 56 Literature - Symbols
  • 57 Reading Skills: Multisyllable Words
  • 58 Oral Narration - Personal Narrative
  • 59 Proper Nowns
  • 60 Artwork
  • 61 Days of the Week
  • 62 Homophones - Set 1
  • 63 Reading Skills - Prefixes and Suffixes
  • 64 Poetry
  • 65 Geography - The Poles
  • 66 Spelling Rule #4 - Part 1
  • 67 O Can Say /o/
  • 68 Artwork
  • 69 Nonfiction
  • 70 Geography - Hemisheres & the Seasons
  • 71 Adverbs
  • 72 Diagramming Sentences - Steph 4
  • 73 Open Syllables - Part 2
  • 74 Reading Skills - Compound Words
  • 75 UI and UE
  • 76 Poetry
  • 77 Geography - Maps #2
  • 78 OL
  • 79 Geography - The Compass Rose
  • 80 Past Present, & Future Tense
  • 81 Diagramming Sentences Review - Steps 1-4
  • 82 REading Skills - PRefixes and Suffices
  • 83 Spelling Rule # 5 - Part 1
  • 84 Reading Challenge - Historical FIction
  • 85 Short Story - A Bird Story
  • 86 Homophones - Set #2
  • 87 Spelling Rule #6 - Part 1
  • 88 Short Story - "The Hill"
  • 89 Poetry
  • 90 Phonograpm Preview
  • 91 Short Story "Beautiful Hands"
  • 92 Open Syllables - Part 3
  • 93 Artwork
  • 94 Spelling Rule #5 - Part 2
  • 95 TCH & Spelling Rule #7 - Part 1
  • 96 Short Story - "Lulu and the Pretty Colored Wool"
  • 97 DGE & Spelling Rule #8
  • 98 Good & Beautify Book - The Beatinest Boy
  • 99 Contractions
  • 100 Spelling Rule #3 - Part 2
  • 101 Fact and Opinion
  • 102 Consonant + LE Words & Spelling Rule 9
  • 103 Spelling Rule #4 - Part 2
  • 104 Homophones
  • 105 Spelling Rule #10 - Part 1
  • 106 Pronouns
  • 107 Spelling Rule #5 - Part 3
  • 108 Irregular Plural Nouns
  • 109 Artwork
  • 110 Spelling Rule #6 - Part 2
  • 111 Irregular Past Tense
  • 112 Spelling Rule 10 - Part 2
  • 113 Geography - Oceans
  • 114 Suffixes - MENT and NESS
  • 115 Spelling Rule 10 - Part 3
  • 116 Short Story - "The Golden WIndows"
  • 117 TCH & SPelling Rule #7 - Part 2
  • 118 Good & THe Beautiful Book - Sarah, Plain and Tall
  • 119 Spelling Rule #6 - Part 3
  • 120 Geography - Italy
  • 121 Antonyms & Synonyms
  • 122 Short Story - "Sir Isaac Newton & His Dog Diamond"
  • 123 TCH & Spelling Rule #7 - Part 3

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