
Great Moments in Catholic History

by Rev. Edward Lodge Curran Author

(From Amazon): Father Curran describes one-hundred events in Catholic history from the Annunciation to the 1930s. Each event includes a beautiful drawing and a brief one-page description. Events include stories from the life of Christ, works of the saints, important discoveries and contributions to culture, persecutions, as well as critical conflicts. The text includes 500 review questions for use by students. Recommended for families or for 5th or 6th grade students.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Great Moment: s
Suggested Grades
3rd - 5th
Hillside Education

Great Moment: s

  • 1 The Annunciation
  • 2 Bethlehem
  • 3 The Last Supper
  • 4 The Crucifixion
  • 5 The Resurrection
  • 6 The Ascension
  • 7 Pentecost
  • 8 The First Pope
  • 9 The First Martyr
  • 10 Conversion of St. Paul
  • 11 The Greatest Missionary
  • 12 Last of the Apostles
  • 13 The First Council
  • 14 Ten Persecutions
  • 15 The Catacombs
  • 16 Constantine the Great
  • 17 Edict of Milan
  • 18 Council of Nicaea
  • 19 The True Cross
  • 20 End of Paganism
  • 21 St. Augustine
  • 22 St. Jerome and the Bible
  • 23 Leo the Great Saves Rome
  • 24 Fall of the Western Empire
  • 25 St. Benedict and the Monks
  • 26 Conversion of England
  • 27 St. Gregory the Great
  • 28 Conversion of Ireland
  • 29 Baptism of Clovis
  • 30 Conversion of Central Europe
  • 31 Rise of the Papal States
  • 32 Mohammed Against Christ
  • 33 Battle of Tours
  • 34 The Iconoclasts
  • 35 Coronation of Charlemagne
  • 36 Conversion of the Slavs
  • 37 Conversion of the North
  • 38 Freeing the Slaves
  • 39 Truce of God
  • 40 Age of Chivalry
  • 41 The Guilds
  • 42 The Crusades
  • 43 Canossa
  • 44 Constantinople versus Rome
  • 45 St. Thomas A Becket
  • 46 Richard the Lionhearted
  • 47 Pope Innocent the II, Defender of the People
  • 48 Louis IX
  • 49 The Proverello
  • 50 Apostle of the Rosary
  • 51 Apostle of Learning
  • 52 Catholic Schools
  • 53 Gothic Cathedrals
  • 54 Giants of Music
  • 55 Giants of Arts
  • 56 Giants of Literature
  • 57 The Babylonian Captivity
  • 58 St. Joan of Arc
  • 59 Invention of Printing
  • 60 The Vatican Basilica
  • 61 Moors Expelled from Spain
  • 62 Discovery of America
  • 63 Westward
  • 64 Apostles of Freedom
  • 65 Council of Trent
  • 66 The Society of Jesus
  • 67 The Great Reformer
  • 68 The Battle of Leptano
  • 69 The Gregorian Calendar
  • 70 The English Revolt
  • 71 The Tyranny of Elizabeth
  • 72 Apostle of Charity
  • 73 American Martyrs
  • 74 Glorious Poland
  • 75 Democracy
  • 76 Colonial Religious Freedom
  • 77 First American Bishop
  • 78 California Missions
  • 79 Two Great Wars
  • 80 Pius VII & Napoleon
  • 81 Catholic Emancipation Act
  • 82 The Oxford Movement
  • 83 19th Century Revival
  • 84 Councils of Baltimore
  • 85 Archbishop Hughes
  • 86 English Catholic Revival
  • 87 The Roman Question
  • 88 The Vatican Council
  • 89 War with Bismark
  • 90 Apostle of Health
  • 91 Miracle of Lourdes
  • 92 Pope of the Working Man
  • 93 Pope of the Eucharist
  • 94 Pope of Peace
  • 95 Apostle of Patriotism
  • 96 Wonder of Lisieux
  • 97 Pope Pius XI
  • 98 Vatican City
  • 99 Catholicism vs. Communism
  • 100 The Church Marches On

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