
English Literature for Boys and Girls

by H. E. (Henrietta Elizabeth) Marshall Author

(From Amazon): Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall (1867- 1941) was a British author, particularly well known for her works of popular national history for children. She was educated at a girls' boarding school called Laurel Bank, in Melrose. As is made clear by the prefaces of her books from time to time, she travelled extensively after 1904. H. E. Marshall is famous for the 1905 children's history of England, Our Island Story: A History of England for Boys and Girls, illustrated by A. S. Forrest. In the USA the book was entitled An Island Story. The book was a bestseller, was printed in numerous editions, and for fifty years was the standard and much-loved book by which children learned the history of England. The book is still to be found in schools and homes.

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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
7th - 12th
Yesterday's Classics


  • 1 In the Listening Time
  • 2 The Story of the Cattle Raid of Cooley
  • 3 One of the Sorrows of Story-Telling
  • 4 The Story of a Literary Life
  • 5 The Story of Fingal
  • 6 About Some Old Welsh Stories and Story-Tellers Growth
  • 7 How the Story of Arthur Was Written in English Growth
  • 8 The Beginning of the Reading Time
  • 9 "The Passing of Arthur"
  • 10 The Adventures of an Old English Book
  • 11 The Story of Beowulf
  • 12 The Father of English Song
  • 13 How Caedmon Sang, and How he Fell Once on Silence
  • 14 The Father of English History
  • 15 How Alfred the Great Fought with His Pen Growth
  • 16 When English Slept
  • 17 The Story of Havelok the Dane
  • 18 About Some Song Stories
  • 19 "Piers the Ploughman"
  • 20 "Piers the Ploughman" - continued
  • 21 How the Bible Came to the People
  • 22 Chaucer - Bread and Milk for Children
  • 23 Chaucer - "The Canterbury Tales"
  • 24 Chaucer - At the Tabard Inn
  • 25 The First English Guide-Book
  • 26 Barbour - "The Bruce," The Beginnings of Struggle
  • 27 Barbour - "The Bruce," The End of the Struggle Growth
  • 28 A Poet King
  • 29 The Death of the Poet King
  • 30 Dunbar -- The Wedding of the Thistle and the Rose
  • 31 At the Sign of the Red Pale
  • 32 About the Beginning of the Theatre
  • 33 How the Shepherd's Watched Thier Flocks
  • 34 The Story of Everyman
  • 35 How A Poet Comforted a Girl
  • 36 The Renaissance
  • 37 The Land of Nowhere
  • 38 The Death of Sir Thomas More
  • 39 How the Sonnet Came to England
  • 40 The Beginning of Blank Verse
  • 41 Spenser - The "Shepherd's Calendar"
  • 42 Spenser - The "Faery Queen"
  • 43 Spenser - His Last Days
  • 44 About the First Theaters
  • 45 Shakespeare - The Boy
  • 46 Shakespeare - The Man
  • 47 Shakespeare - The Merchant of Venice
  • 48 Jonson - "Every Man in His Humour"
  • 49 Jonson - "The Sad Shepherd"
  • 50 Raleigh - "The Revenge"
  • 51 Raleigh - "The History of the World"
  • 52 Bacon - New Ways of Wisdom
  • 53 Bacon - The Happy Island
  • 54 About Some Lyric Poets
  • 55 Herbert - The Parson Poet
  • 56 Herrick and Marvell - Of Blossoms and Bowers
  • 57 Milton - Sight and Growth
  • 58 Milton - Darkness and Death
  • 59 Bunyan - "The Pilgrim's Progress"
  • 60 Dryden - The New Poetry
  • 61 The First Newspapers
  • 62 Defoe - "Robinson Crusoe"
  • 63 Swift - The Journal to Stella
  • 64 Swift - "Gulliver's Travels"
  • 65 Addison - The "Spectator"
  • 66 Steele - The Soldier Author
  • 67 Pope - The "Rape of the Lock"
  • 68 Johnson - Days of Struggle
  • 69 Johnson - The End of the Journey
  • 70 Goldsmith - The Vagabond
  • 71 Goldsmith - "The Vicar of Wakefield"
  • 72 Burns - The Plowman Poet
  • 73 Cowper - "The Task"
  • 74 Wordsworth - The Poet of Nature
  • 75 Wordsworth and Coleridge - The Lake Poets
  • 76 Coleridge and Southey - Sunshine and Shadow
  • 77 Scott - The Awakening of Romance
  • 78 Scott - "The Wizard of the North"
  • 79 Byron "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage"
  • 80 Shelly - The Poet of Love
  • 81 Keats - The Poet of Beauty
  • 82 Carlyle - The Saga of Chelsea
  • 83 Thackeray - The Cynic?
  • 84 Dickens - Smiles and Tears
  • 85 Tennyson - The Poet of Friendship

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