Pre-Kindergarten Jumbo Workbook
by Scholastic Books Author
300 skill-building pages that give young learners practice with the alphabet, sight words, handwriting, counting, numbers, shapes and everything they'll need to succeed as students. For use with Grade PreK.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Workbook
- 0439785987
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 175
- Pages
- 321
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - Early Years
- Publisher
- Scholastic
- Copyright
- 2005
- 14 Aa - Identify & Write
- 15 a - Word & Picture Cards
- 16 Bb - Identify & Write
- 17 b - Word & Picture Cards
- 18 Cc - Identify & Write
- 19 c - Word & Picture Cards
- 20 Dd - Identify & Write
- 21 d - Word & Picture Cards
- 22 Ee - Identify & Write
- 23 e - Word & Picture Cards
- 24 Ff - Identify & Write
- 25 f - Word & Picture Cards
- 26 Gg - Identify & Write
- 27 g - Word & Picture Cards
- 28 Hh - Identify & Write
- 29 h - Word & Picture Cards
- 30 Alphabet Review Aa - Dd
- 31 Alphabet Review - Ee - Hh
- 32 Ii - Identify & Write
- 33 I - Word & Picture Cards
- 34 Jj - Identify & Write
- 35 j - Word & Picture Cards
- 36 Kk - Identify & Write
- 37 k - Word & Picture Cards
- 38 Ll - Identify & Write
- 39 l - Word & Picture Cards
- 40 Mm - Identify & Write
- 41 m - Word & Picture Cards
- 42 Nn - Identify & Write
- 43 n - Word & Picture Cards
- 44 Oo - Identify & Write
- 45 o - Word & Picture Cards
- 46 Pp - Identify & Write
- 47 p - Word & Picture Cards
- 48 Alphabet Review - Ii - Ll
- 49 Alphabet Review - Mm - Pp
- 50 Qq - Identify & Write
- 51 q - Word & Picture Cards
- 52 Rr - Identify & Write
- 53 r - Word & Picture Cards
- 54 Ss - Identify & Write
- 55 s - Word & Picture Cards
- 56 Tt - Identify & Write
- 57 t - Word & Picture Cards
- 58 Uu - Identify & Write
- 59 u - Word & Picture Cards
- 60 Vv - Identify & Write
- 61 v - Word & Picture Cards
- 62 Ww - Identify & Write
- 63 w - Word & Picture Cards
- 64 Xx, Yy, Zz - Identify & Write
- 65 Xx, Yy, Zz - Word & Picture Cards
- 66 Alphabet Review - Qq - Tt
- 67 Alphabet Review - Uu - Zz
- 68 Alphabet Sequencing
- 69 Alphabet Practice Test (pg. 69-72)
- 74 Following Directions to Make a Treat
- 75 Following Directions to Put Things Away
- 76 Following Directions to Color Cars
- 77 Following Directions to Find Number
- 78 Following Directions to Find Homes
- 79 Following Directions to Follow Safety Rules
- 80 Following Directions Practice Test (pg 80-83)
- 85 Recognizing Largest (pg. 85-86)
- 87 Recognizing Smallest (pg. 87-88)
- 89 Recognizing Large & Small (pg. 89-90)
- 91 Recognizing Longest
- 92 Recognizing Long & Short (pg. 92-93)
- 94 Recognizing Tallest
- 95 Top/Bottom
- 96 In/Out
- 97 Above/Below
- 98 Left/Right
- 99 Basic Concepts Practice Test (pg. 99-102)
- 104 Sequencing (pg. 104-106)
- 107 Classifying Objects
- 108 Comparing: Same
- 109 Comparing: Different
- 110 Alike & Different (pg. 110 -112)
- 113 Comparing: Same (pg. 113-114)
- 115 Alike & Different (pg. 115-116)
- 117 Real/Pretend (pg. 117-118)
- 119 Reading Readiness Practice Test (pg. 119-122)
- 124 Reasoning - Things That Belong Together (pg. 124-126)
- 125 Reasoning - Matching Pictures (pg. 127-128)
- 129 Reasoning - Things That Do Not Belong Together
- 130 Reasoning - Recognizing relationships (pg. 130-131)
- 132 Reasoning - Things That Do Not Belong Together
- 133 Reasoning - Seasonal Activities
- 134 Reasoning - Things We Want
- 135 Reasoning - Different Kinds of Transportation
- 136 Reasoning - Matching Workers & Their Tools
- 137 Thinking Skills Practice Test (pg. 137 - 140)
- 142 Learning Colors - Red (pg 142-143)
- 144 Learning Colors - Blue (pg 144-145)
- 146 Learning Colors - Orange (pg 146-147)
- 148 Learning Colors - Yellow (pg 148-149)
- 150 Learning Colors - Black (pg. 150-151)
- 152 Learning Colors - Green (pg. 152-153)
- 154 Identifying Colors (pg. 154-155)
- 156 Opposites (pg. 156-162)
- 163 Science Words (pg. 163-164)
- 165 Social Studies Words
- 166 Everyday Words (pg. 166-167)
- 168 Word Building Practice Test (pg. 168-171)
- 173 Identifying & Writing the Number 1 (pg. 173-174)
- 175 Identifying & Writing the Number 2 (pg. 175-176)
- 177 Identifying & Writing the Number 3 (pg. 177-178)
- 179 Identifying & Writing the Number 4 (pg. 179-180)
- 181 Identifying & Writing the Number 5 (pg. 181-182)
- 183 Identifying & Writing the Number 6 (pg. 183-184)
- 185 Identifying & Writing the Number 7 (pg. 185-186)
- 187 Identifying & Writing the Number 8 (pg. 187-188)
- 189 Identifying & Writing the Number 9 (pg. 189-190)
- 191 Identifying & Writing the Number 10 (pg. 191-192)
- 193 Identifying Number Words 1-10
- 194 Counting
- 195 Identifying Groups of 1 and 2 Objects
- 196 Identifying Groups of 3 and 4 Objects
- 197 Identifying Groups of 5 and 6 Objects
- 198 Identifying Groups of 1-5 Objects
- 199 Identifying Groups of 7 and 8 Objects
- 200 Identifying Groups of 9 and 10 Objects
- 201 Counting Groups of 1-10 Objects
- 202 Counting Groups of 2-10 Objects
- 203 Ordering Numbers from 1-10 (pg. 203-204)
- 205 Identifying Equal Groups (pg. 205-206)
- 207 Counting More Than (pg. 207-208)
- 209 Counting Less Than
- 210 Number & Number Concepts Practice Test (pg. 210-213)
- 215 Shapes - Circles (pg. 215-217)
- 218 Shapes - Squares (pg. 218-219)
- 220 Shapes - Ovals (pg. 220-222)
- 223 Shapes - Rectangles (pg. 223-224)
- 225 Shapes - Triangles (pg. 225-227)
- 228 Shapes - Diamonds (pg. 228-230)
- 231 Same Shapes
- 232 Identifying Shapes
- 233 Shapes Review (pg. 233-240)
- 241 Shapes Practice Test (pg. 241-244)
- 246 Identifying Patterns (pg. 246-251)
- 252 Patterns Practice Test (pg. 252-255)
- 257 Solving Picture Problems (pg. 257-263)
- 265 Using Pictures to Solve Problems (pg. 265-267)
- 268 Problem Solving Practice Test (pg. 268-269)
- 270 Word & Picture Flash Cards (pg. 270-283)
- 286 Identifying Consonants
- 287 Beginning Consonant B
- 288 Beginning Consonant C
- 289 Ending Consonants
- 290 Identifying Vowels
- 291 Short-A Sound
- 292 -at Word Family
- 293 -en Word Family
- 294 Long-A Sound
- 295 Consonant Blends
- 296 bl Consonant Blend
- 297 br Consonant Blend
- 298 Following Directions to Color a Birthday Cake
- 299 Writing Winter Words
- 300 Writing Clothes Words
- 301 Writing Plant Words
- 302 Recognizing Position Words
- 303 Sequencing - Cooking Eggs
- 304 Same and Different
- 305 Cause & Effect
- 306 Ordering Numbers from 1-10
- 307 Identifying Number Words 1-20
- 308 Identifying Groups of 11 and 12 Objects
- 309 Identifying Numbers 1-20
- 310 Ordering Numbers from 1-20
- 311 More than/less than
- 312 Identifying Shapes (pg. 312-313)
- 314 Identifying Patterns
- 315 Solving Problems Using Pictures
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