When you grow up to vote
by Eleanor Roosevelt Author
In the voice of one of the most iconic and beloved political figures of the twentieth century comes a book on citizenship for the future voters of the twenty-first century. Eleanor Roosevelt published the original edition of When You Grow Up to Vote in 1932, the same year her husband was elected president. The new edition has updated information and back matter as well as fresh, bold art from award-winning artist Grace Lin. Beginning with government workers like firefighters and garbage collectors, and moving up through local government to the national stage, this book explains that the people in government work the voter. Fresh, contemporary, and even fun, When You Grow Up to Vote is the book parents and teachers need to talk to children about how our government is designed to work.
Additional Details
- 978-1626728790
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 18
- Pages
- 64
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 6th
- Publisher
- Roaring Brook Press
- Copyright
- 2018
- ix Foreward p.ix
- 1 Fire! Fire! p.1
- 2 To Protect and to Serve p.5
- 3 The Garbage Collector p.9
- 4 The Honorable Mayor p.13
- 5 The Meeting Will Come to Order! p.17
- 6 At the Statehouse p.21
- 7 Why Do We Have Laws? p.27
- 8 At the Capitol p.33
- 9 The White House p.37
- 10 The President Has Fifteen Secretaries p.43
- 11 Who Pays the Bills? p.53
- 12 We, the People p.57
- 13 What Does the Judge Do? p.61
- 14 When You Grow Up to Vote p.65
- 15 More About Our Government p.70
- 16 More About Eleanor Roosevelt p.78
- 17 Further Reading About Eleanor Roosevelt p.84
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