
A People's History of the World

by Chris Harman Author

In this monumental book, Chris Harman achieves the impossible- a gripping history of the planet from the perspective of struggling peoples throughout the ages. From the earliest human societies to the Holy Roman Empire, from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment, from the Industrial Revolution to the end of the twentieth century, Chris Harman provides a brilliant and comprehensive history of the human race. Eschewing the standard accounts of "Great Men" of dates and kings, Harman offers a groundbreaking counter-history, a breathtaking sweep across the centuries in the tradition of "history from below". In a fiery narrative, he shows how ordinary men and women were involved in creating and changing society and how conflict between classes was often at the core of these developments. While many scholars see the victory of capitalism now safely secured, Harman explains the rise and fall of societies and civilizations throughout the ages and demonstrates that history moves ever onward in every age. This magisterial study is essential reading for anyone interested in how society has changed and developed and the possibilities for further radical progress.


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Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
6th - 12th


  • 1 Prologue: Before Class
  • 1.1 Neolithic "revolution"
  • 1.2 the 1st civilizations
  • 1.3 the 1st class divisions
  • 1.4 Women's opression
  • 1.5 the first "Dark Ages"
  • 2.1 Iron and empires
  • 2.2 Ancient India
  • 2.3 the 1st Chinese empires
  • 2.4 The Greek city states
  • 2.5 Rome's rise and fall
  • 2.6 the rist of Christianity
  • 3.1 the centuries of chaos
  • 3.2 China: the rebirth of the empirs
  • 3.3 Byzantium: the living fossil
  • 3.4 the Isalmic revolutions
  • 3.5 the African civilizations
  • 3.6 European feudalism
  • 4.1 the conquest of New Spain
  • 4.2 Renaissance to Reformation
  • 4.3 the birth pangs of a new order
  • 4.4 the last flowering of Asia's empires
  • 5.1 A time of social peace
  • 5.2 from superstition to science
  • 5.3 the Enlightenment
  • 5.4 Slavery and wage slavery
  • 5.5 Slavery and racism
  • 5.6 the economics of "free labor"
  • 6.1 American prologue
  • 6.2 the French Revolution
  • 6.3 Jacobinism outside France
  • 6.4 the retreat of reason
  • 6.5 the industrial revolution
  • 6.6 the birth of Marxism
  • 6.7 1848
  • 6.8 the American Civil War
  • 6.9 the conquest of the East
  • 6.10 the Japanese exception
  • 6.11 Storming heaven: the Paris Commune
  • 7.1 the world of capital
  • 7.2 world war and world revolution
  • 7.3 Europe in turmoil
  • 7.4 Revolt in the colonial world
  • 7.5 the "Golden Twenties"
  • 7.6 the great slump
  • 7.7 strangled hope: 1934-36
  • 7.8 midnight in the centruy
  • 7.9 the Cold War
  • 7.10 the new world disorder
  • 8 Illusion of the epoch

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