
A Child's Garden of Bible Stories

by Arthur W. Gross Author

A children's story Bible


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
3rd - 5th
Concordia Publishing House


  • 1 God Makes the World
  • 2 The First Home
  • 3 The First Sin
  • 4 The Promise of a Savior
  • 5 The Children of Adam and Eve
  • 6 The Great Flood
  • 7 Abraham's Faith in God
  • 8 Abraham and the Angels
  • 9 The Offering of Isaac
  • 10 The Ladder to Heaven
  • 11 Joseph and His Dreams
  • 12 Joseph Is sold
  • 13 Joseph Rules Over Egypt
  • 14 The Brothers Go to Egypt
  • 15 Moses, the Leader of God's People
  • 16 The Children of Israel Leave Egypt
  • 17 The Golden Calf
  • 18 On the Road to Canaan
  • 19 Ruth
  • 20 Samuel
  • 21 David, the Shepherd Boy
  • 22 David and Absalom
  • 23 Solomon Builds God's Temple
  • 24 Elijah and the King
  • 25 Elijah and the Prophets of Baal
  • 26 Naaman and Elisha
  • 27 Three Men in a Furnace
  • 28 Daniel and the Lions
  • 29 The Birth of John the Baptist
  • 30 A Message from God
  • 31 The First Christmas
  • 32 Shepherds Find the Savior
  • 33 The Star of the King
  • 34 The Flight to Egypt
  • 35 Jesus in the Temple
  • 36 Jesus at a Wedding
  • 37 The Wonderful Catch of Fishes
  • 38 Jesus and the Storm
  • 39 Jesus and the Sick Man
  • 40 The Daughter of Jairus
  • 41 The Young Man of Nain
  • 42 The Captain and his Servant
  • 43 The Sick Man at the Pool
  • 44 Food for Thousands
  • 45 Jesus Walks on the Sea
  • 46 Mary and Martha
  • 47 Jesus Blesses the Children
  • 48 The Lost Son
  • 49 The Prayers of Two Men
  • 50 The Good Samaritan
  • 51 Ten Sick Men
  • 52 Jesus and the Blind Man
  • 53 Jesus Rides to Jerusalem
  • 54 Judas Turns Against Jesus
  • 55 Jesus in Gethsemane
  • 56 Jesus Before the Judges
  • 57 The Death of Jesus
  • 58 The First Easter Day
  • 59 Jesus Appears to His Disciples
  • 60 Jesus Returns to Heaven
  • 61

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