
Correct Writing

by Michael P. Kammer Author

A Catholic Grammar and Composition Course that consists of a review of basic grammar and an increase of the student’s writing abilities. Students are able to do some creative writing as they are assigned to complete a variety of unfinished stories, a mere hint of a plot or topic, developing the ideas supplied by the text. There are also lesson-end writing and grammar assignments.


Additional Details

Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
9th - 9th
Lepanto Press


  • 1 Sentences and half-sentences
  • 2 Elliptical sentences
  • 3 Runovers
  • 4 Subjects and predicates
  • 5 Nouns
  • 6 Plural of nouns
  • 7 Possessive of nouns
  • 8 Appositives
  • 9 Verbs
  • 10 Helping verbs
  • 11 Pronouns
  • 12 Personal, self-, and demonstrative pronouns
  • 13 Interrogative and indefinite pronouns
  • 14 Verb agreement
  • 15 Verb agreement with simple subjects
  • 16 Verb agreement with compound subjects
  • 17 Principal parts of verbs
  • 18 Verb time
  • 19 Verb voice
  • 20 Transitive verbs
  • 21 Adjectives
  • 22 Adverbs
  • 23 Comparison of adjectives and adverbs
  • 24 Intransitive verbs and complements
  • 25 Linking verbs and predicate adjectives
  • 26 Verb moods
  • 27 Verbs confused
  • 28 Prepositional phrases
  • 29 Preposition usage
  • 30 Gerund phrases
  • 31 Participial phrases
  • 32 Infinitive phrases
  • 33 Independent elements
  • 34 Simple sentences
  • 35 Compound sentences
  • 36 Complex sentences
  • 37 Nouns clauses
  • 38 Adjective clauses
  • 39 Adverb clauses
  • 40 Dangling and misplaced modifiers
  • 41 Compound-complex sentences

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