
The Great Courses: Nature of Earth

The drama of geology is all around you. Have you ever been to Yellowstone National Park? If so, you have stood on a catastrophe in the making. The central region of the park is inside a collapsed volcanic crater that pulses with the hidden energy of magma deep below that will eventually explode in an eruption surpassing any in recorded history. Or have you ever driven in the rolling hills of the Piedmont region that extends from New Jersey to Alabama? Then you have crossed the core of an ancient mountain range that once rivaled the Himalayas. Now almost completely eroded away, these peaks were created 300 million years ago in the collision of tectonic plates that formed the supercontinent of Pangaea. Or have you ever noticed something as simple as tipped fence posts or leaning retaining walls? If so, then you have witnessed one of the most powerful and irresistible agents of geologic change, the ubiquitous force of gradual erosion called mass wasting.


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
9th - 12th
Teaching Company


  • 1 Origin of the universe
  • 2 Origin of the solar system
  • 3 Continental drift
  • 4 Plate tectonics
  • 5 The formation of minerals
  • 6 Classification of minerals
  • 7 The identification of minerals
  • 8 Kinds of rocks
  • 9 Sedimentary rocks
  • 10 Metamorphic rocks
  • 11 Volcanic activity
  • 12 Phases of volcanic activity
  • 13 Hawaiian Islands and Yellowstone Park
  • 14 Mass wasting--gravity at work
  • 15 Mass wasting processes
  • 16 Weathering
  • 17 Soils and the clay minerals
  • 18 Climate and the type of soils
  • 19 Streams--the major agent of erosion
  • 20 Sculpting of the landscape
  • 21 Stream erosion in arid regions
  • 22 Ice sculpts the final scene
  • 23 Groundwater
  • 24 The production of groundwater
  • 25 Karst topography
  • 26 Groundwater contamination
  • 27 Rock deformation
  • 28 The geologic structures
  • 29 Faults and joints
  • 30 Earthquakes
  • 31 Damage from earthquakes
  • 32 Seismology
  • 33 The formation of mountains
  • 34 Orogenic styles
  • 35 Economic geology of coal
  • 36 Economic geology of petroleum

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