
Nature Reader Book 5 Fourth Edition

by Wendy Kramer Author


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  • 1 Unit 1: Earths Hydrosphere
  • 2 The Ocean
  • 3 God Made All Things
  • 4 Seas, Bays, and Waterways
  • 5 Waves and Tides
  • 6 Paths of the Sea
  • 7 Habitats
  • 8 The Sargasso Sea
  • 9 Plants in the Ocean
  • 10 The Deep Sea
  • 11 Unit 2: Ocean Life
  • 12 Marine Worms
  • 13 More Worms
  • 14 Sponges
  • 15 Crustaceans
  • 16 Crabs
  • 17 Soft-Shell Crabs
  • 18 More About Crabs
  • 19 Lobsters
  • 20 Shrimp
  • 21 Barnacles
  • 22 Unit 3: Mollusca
  • 23 Mollusks
  • 24 More Snails
  • 25 Bivalves
  • 26 The Oyster
  • 27 The Scallop
  • 28 The Shipworm
  • 29 Cephalopods
  • 30 The Squid
  • 31 Giant Squids
  • 32 The Vampire Squid
  • 33 The Octopus
  • 34 The Octopus Mother
  • 35 Eyes of Animals
  • 36 Reviewing Mollusks
  • 37 Unit 4: Coelenterates and Echinoderms
  • 38 Coelenterates
  • 39 The Sea Anemone
  • 40 Corals
  • 41 Coral Reefs
  • 42 Echinoderms
  • 43 Sea Stars
  • 44 More Echinoderms
  • 45 Unit 5: Bony Fish
  • 46 Fish
  • 47 Lampreys and Hagfish
  • 48 The Seahourse
  • 49 Eels
  • 50 Longfins
  • 51 Butterflyfishes
  • 52 Triggerfish
  • 53 Scorpionfish
  • 54 Anglerfishes
  • 55 Flatfish
  • 56 Fish That Fly
  • 57 Remoras and Catfish
  • 58 Wrasse and Blennies
  • 59 Schooling Fish
  • 60 Jawfishes
  • 61 Unit 6: Vicious Fishes
  • 62 Sharks
  • 63 Big Sharks
  • 64 Dogfish Sharks
  • 65 Requiem Sharks
  • 66 Catsharks
  • 67 Carpet Shark and Saw Shark
  • 68 Mackerel Sharks
  • 69 Other Vicious Fish
  • 70 Unit 7: Cetacea
  • 71 Cetaceans
  • 72 Baleen Whales
  • 73 Right Whale and Gray Whale
  • 74 Rorquals
  • 75 Blue Whale
  • 76 Toothed Whales
  • 77 Sperm Whales
  • 78 Beluga Whale and Narwhal
  • 79 Dolphins and Porpoises
  • 80 More About Dolphins
  • 81 Orca
  • 82 Sirenia
  • 83 Manatee
  • 84 Dugong
  • 85 Unit 8: Other Marine Animals
  • 86 Pinnipeds
  • 87 Earless Seals
  • 88 Crabeater and Weddell Seals
  • 89 Leopard and Hooded Seals
  • 90 Elephant Seals
  • 91 Eared Seals
  • 92 Sea Lion
  • 93 Walrus
  • 94 Polar Bear
  • 95 Penguin
  • 96 Sea Turtles
  • 97 Sea Otters

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