
Who Is Jesus?

by Joe Hox Author

Additional Details

Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
1st - 8th
New Growth Press


  • 1 Firstborn over all creation
  • 2 Serpent crusher
  • 3 Ark and the door
  • 4 One through Whom the World is Blessed
  • 5 Lamb god has Provided
  • 6 Stairway to Heaven
  • 7 Betrayed and the Savior
  • 8 Deliverer
  • 9 Passover Lamb
  • 10 Rock Moses Struck
  • 11 Mediator
  • 12 Tabernacle
  • 13 Mercy Seat
  • 14 One Who is Lifted Up
  • 15 Star from Jacob and the Scepter from Israle
  • 16 Our Kinsman Redeemer
  • 17 the Great High Priest
  • 18 Son of David
  • 19 Our Great Prophet
  • 20 Greater than Jonah
  • 21 Horn of our Salvation
  • 22 Prince of Peace
  • 23 Son of God
  • 24 Miracle Worker
  • 25 Cleanser
  • 26 Living Water
  • 27 Bread of Life
  • 28 Light of the World
  • 29 I AM
  • 30 Good Shepherd
  • 31 Resurrection and the LIfe
  • 32 Our Triumphant King
  • 33 the Way, the Truth, and the Life
  • 34 True Vine
  • 35 Suffering Servant
  • 36 Firstfruits
  • 37 Son of Man
  • 38 Sender of the Spirit
  • 39 Last Adam
  • 40 Bridegroom

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