
Canada: The Struggle for Empire

by Luella Bruce Creighton Author

The story of Canada from the beginning to about the year 1800 is in this book.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
Out of Print
Suggested Grades
6th - 10th
Geographical Setting
Historical Setting
1800 - 2000
J.M. Dent & Sons Limited


  • 1 The Dreaming Continent
  • 2 The Proprietors of the Continent
  • 3 The First Visitors
  • 4 Sail West to the East
  • 5 Fish and Fishermen
  • 6 Jacques Cartier
  • 7 Sixty Years Silence
  • 8 To China Through the Northern Seas
  • 9 Champlain, the Father of New France
  • 10 The Coming of the Black Robes
  • 11 The Planting of Virginia
  • 12 The Pilgrims
  • 13 New England
  • 14 Acadia
  • 15 Maisonneuve and Montreal, 1642
  • 16 The Iroquois on the Warpath
  • 17 All Set About by Enemies
  • 18 France to the Rescue
  • 19 The Fur Trade Moves West
  • 20 Frontenac, the Great Onontio
  • 21 La Salle
  • 22 Between the Appalachians and the Sea
  • 23 The French Move West and North
  • 24 The Iroquois on the Warpath Again
  • 25 The Return of Frontenac
  • 26 The Treaty of Utrecht, 1713
  • 27 The Years of Peace, 1713 - 1744
  • 28 The Race for the Furs
  • 29 Life in New France
  • 30 Life in the English Colonies
  • 31 The Years of War
  • 32 A Year of Crisis, 1755
  • 33 The Seven Years War, 1756 - 1763
  • 34 The Passing of New France
  • 35 After the Great Battle
  • 36 Pontiac, Chief of the Ottawas
  • 37 The Royal Proclamation, 1763
  • 38 Seeds of Revolt in the English Colonies
  • 39 The Quebec Act, 1774
  • 40 Revolution Breaks Out
  • 41 The Declaration of Independence, 1776
  • 42 The War for Independence
  • 43 The Second Treaty of Paris, 1783
  • 44 Loyalists in the American Revolution
  • 45 The Birth of Two Nations
  • 46 The United States of America
  • 47 The New British North America
  • 48 On the Pacific Coast
  • 49 The Redcoats Move Out
  • 50 The Gentlemen Adventurers Move Inland
  • 51 The North West Company
  • 52 The Map Makers
  • 53 The Continent Awakes

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