
Matthew through Acts & Ancient Rome

by Sonya Shafer Author

Daily lesson plans for grades 1-12 covering a year of history, geography, and Bible. Pulls together all the resources suggested for the Matthew through Acts & Ancient Rome module of the SCM Curriculum Guide. Another Family Study Handbook from SCM.

Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
1st - 12th
Geographical Setting
Mediterranean coastline, Rome
Historical Setting
753 BC - 476 AD
Simply Charlotte Mason


  • 1 John the Baptist is Born
  • 2 Jesus is Born
  • 3 Visit 1 to Europe & Various Readings
  • 4 The First Settlers
  • 5 The Clever Tricks
  • 6 Magi Present Gifts to Jesus
  • 7 Preparation for Ministry
  • 8 Visit 2 to Europe & Various Readings
  • 9 The Wolf and the Twins
  • 10 The Maidens Carried Off
  • 11 John the Baptist Announces Jesus
  • 12 Jesus Turns Water into Wine; Nicodemus
  • 13 Visit 3 to Europe & Various Readings
  • 14 Death of Romulus
  • 15 The Quarrel with Alba
  • 16 The Woman at the Well
  • 17 Jesus Heals the Nobleman's Son
  • 18 Visit 4 to Europe & Various Readings
  • 19 Tarquin and the Eagle
  • 20 The King Outwitted
  • 21 Jesus Heals the Paralytic; Rejected at Nazareth
  • 22 Jesus Continues to Heal; Calls Disciples
  • 23 Visit 5 to Europe & Various Readings
  • 24 The Ungrateful Children
  • 25 Tarquin's Poppies
  • 26 Sermon on the Mount, part 1
  • 27 Sermon on the Mount, part 2
  • 28 Visit 6 to Europe and Various Readings
  • 29 The Death of Lucretia
  • 30 A Roman Triumph
  • 31 Jesus Heals and Reassures
  • 32 Jesus Challenges Unbelief
  • 33 Cato the Censor (concluded)
  • 34 The Defense of the Bridge
  • 35 The Burnt Hand
  • 36 Parables; Calm the Storm
  • 37 Jesus’ Power Over Demons and Death
  • 38 Visit 8 to Europe & Various Readings
  • 39 The Wrongs of the Poor
  • 40 The Story of Coriolanus
  • 41 Jesus Sends Out the Twelve; John Beheaded
  • 42 Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand
  • 43 Visit 9 to Europe & Various Readings
  • 44 The Farmer Hero
  • 45 The New Laws
  • 46 Jesus Disputes the Pharisees and Heals
  • 47 The Transfiguration; More Parables
  • 48 Visit 10 to Europe & Various Readings
  • 49 The Plans of a Traitor
  • 50 The School-Teacher Punished
  • 51 Jesus Teaches at The Feast of the Tabernacles
  • 52 Jesus Defends His Deity
  • 53 Visit 11 to Europe & Various Readings
  • 54 The Sacred Geese
  • 55 Two Heroes of Rome
  • 56 Exam or Catch Up
  • 57 Exam or Catch Up
  • 58 Visit 12 to Europe
  • 59 Catch Up, Project, or Exam
  • 60 Catch Up, Project, or Exam
  • 61 Jesus Heals The Blind Man
  • 62 Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two
  • 63 Visit 13 to Europe & Various Readings
  • 64 The Disaster at the Claudine Forks
  • 65 Pyrrhus and His Elephants
  • 66 Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer
  • 67 Warnings and Encouragement
  • 68 Visit 14 to Europe and Various Readings
  • 69 Ancient Ships
  • 70 Hannibal Crosses the Alps
  • 71 Healing on the Sabbath
  • 72 Jesus at the Pharisees’ House; Parables
  • 73 Visit 15 to Europe & Various Readings
  • 74 The Inventor Archimedes
  • 75 The Roman Conquests
  • 76 Teachings About This Life and The Next
  • 77 Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead
  • 78 Visit 16 to Europe & Various Readings
  • 79 Roman Amusements
  • 80 The Death of Tiberius Gracchus
  • 81 Ten Lepers Healed; More Parables
  • 82 The Rich Young Ruler; Blind Bartimaeus
  • 83 Visit 17 to Europe & Various Readings
  • 84 Jugurtha, King of Numidia
  • 85 The Social War
  • 86 Zacchaeus; Jesus Anointed at Bethany
  • 87 The Triumphal Entry
  • 88 Visit 18 to Europe & Various Readings
  • 89 The Proscription Lists
  • 90 The Gracchi (concluded)
  • 91 Parables and Teaching
  • 92 Seven Woes; The Widow's Mite
  • 93 Tunisia
  • 94 Marius
  • 95 Marius (concluded)
  • 96 Jesus Predicts His Death
  • 97 Signs of the End of the Age
  • 98 Switzerland
  • 99 Sulla
  • 100 Sulla (concluded)
  • 101 Parables of the End of the Age
  • 102 The Last Supper
  • 103 Austria and Belgium
  • 104 Pompey the Great
  • 105 Pompey the Great (concluded)
  • 106 Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet
  • 107 Jesus Comforts His Disciples
  • 108 Netherlands
  • 109 The Arena and Gladiators
  • 110 The Army
  • 111 Jesus Prays for His Disciples
  • 112 Jesus Is Arrested and Tried
  • 113 Germany
  • 114 Siege Engines
  • 115 Camps and Officers
  • 116 Bible Exam or Catch Up
  • 117 Bible Exam or Catch Up
  • 118 Geography Review
  • 119 Rome Exam, Project, or Catch Up
  • 120 Rome Exam, Project, or Catch Up
  • 121 Jesus Is Crucified
  • 122 Jesus' Resurrection
  • 123 Macedonia
  • 124 Julius Caesar
  • 125 Julius Caesar (continued)
  • 126 Jesus Appears to His Disciples
  • 127 Jesus Ascends to Heaven
  • 128 Bulgaria
  • 129 Julius Caesar (concluded)
  • 130 Cicero
  • 131 Many Believe at Pentecost
  • 132 Peter and John Preach
  • 133 Lebanon and Israel
  • 134 Augustus
  • 135 Augustus (concluded)
  • 136 Ananias and Sapphira
  • 137 Stephen Is Stoned
  • 138 Egypt
  • 139 Nero
  • 140 Nero (concluded)
  • 141 Philip and the Ethiopian
  • 142 Saul Becomes a Believer
  • 143 Sudan
  • 144 Nero's Golden House
  • 145 Titus
  • 146 The Gospel Goes to the Gentiles
  • 147 Peter's Explanation and Escape
  • 148 Great Britain
  • 149 The Baths and the Colosseum
  • 150 Trajan
  • 151 Barnabas and Paul Start Off
  • 152 Reporting on God's Work
  • 153 Algeria and Morocco
  • 154 Marcus Aurelius
  • 155 Marcus Aurelius (concluded)
  • 156 Paul and Silas Travel
  • 157 The Gospel in Greece
  • 158 Czech Republic
  • 159 Diocletian
  • 160 Diocletian (concluded)
  • 161 A Riot in Ephesus
  • 162 Paul's Farewell
  • 163 Hungary
  • 164 Constantine the Great
  • 165 Constantine the Great (concluded)
  • 166 Paul Arrested in Jerusalem
  • 167 Paul on Trial
  • 168 Romania and Moldova
  • 169 End of the Western Empire
  • 170 City
  • 171 Paul Appeals to Caesar Nero
  • 172 Paul in Rome
  • 173 Iraq
  • 174 City (continued)
  • 175 City (concluded)
  • 176 Bible Exam or Catch Up
  • 177 Bible Exam or Catch Up
  • 178 Geography Review
  • 179 Rome Exam, Project, or Catch Up
  • 180 Rome Exam, Project, or Catch Up

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