Mary's Garden and How it Grew
by Frances Duncan Author
A wonderful narrative on a young girl's keeping of a garden. Young Mary learns how the care and keeping of plants year round.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- Print Status
- Out of Print
- Chapters
- 31
- Pages
- 257
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 5th
- Copyright
- 1904
- http://www.books.google.com
- 1 Mr. Trommel's Assistant
- 2 The Assistant at Work
- 3 Planting in Boxes
- 4 Crocusus and the Snowdrop
- 5 Making Cuttings
- 6 Beginning the Garden
- 7 Planting the Sweet Peas
- 8 Making a Rose Garden
- 9 Waiting for the Sweet Peas
- 10 Planting
- 11 Making a Summer-house
- 12 Mary Learns Pruning
- 13 A New Idea
- 14 The Horticulture Club
- 15 Setting Out Privet Cuttings
- 16 Mr. Trommel Visits the Gardens
- 17 Setting out Seedlings
- 18 Mary in Mr. Trommel's Garden
- 19 Transactions of the Horticulture Club
- 20 The Poppies
- 21 The Club in Mary's Garden
- 22 When Mary was in the Country
- 23 Mr. Trommel Teaches the Art of Budding
- 24 Transplanting Perennials
- 25 The Flower Show
- 26 Setting out Bulbs
- 27 Bulbs for the Window-Garden
- 28 The Window-Gardens
- 29 Planting Trees
- 30 Making a Compost Heap
- 31 Putting the Garden to Sleep
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