
Mysteries & Marvels of Nature

by Elizabeth Dalby Author


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
2nd - 5th
Usborne Books


  • 1 Feeding - Animal-eating plants
  • 2 Feeding - Ocean feeding
  • 3 Feeding - Catching dinner
  • 4 Feeding - Food on the Move
  • 5 Feeding - Mammals' meals
  • 6 Feeding - Feeding features
  • 7 Movement - Plants on the move
  • 8 Movement - moving through water
  • 9 Movement - Gliding and sliding
  • 10 Movement - Air, land and water
  • 11 Movement - Made to move
  • 12 Movement - Wings and legs
  • 13 Attacking - Plants fight back
  • 14 Attacking - Water weapons
  • 15 Attacking - Poisoning and squeezing
  • 16 Attacking - Bird battles
  • 17 Attacking - Take me on
  • 18 Attacking - Insect attack
  • 19 Defending - Tricky plants
  • 20 Defending - Survival tricks
  • 21 Defending - Fighting back
  • 22 Defending - staying safe
  • 23 Defending - Confuse or defend
  • 24 Defending - Tricks and mimics
  • 25 Relationships - Help or hinder
  • 26 Relationships - Ocean partners
  • 27 Relationships - Sharing spaces
  • 28 Relationships - Finding food
  • 29 Relationships - mammals' friends
  • 30 Relationships - Meal deals
  • 31 Communication - Plant communities
  • 32 Communication - Keeping in touch
  • 33 Communication - Calls and signals
  • 34 Communication - Showing off
  • 35 Communication - Friend or foe
  • 36 Communication - Team work
  • 37 Life Cycles - New plants
  • 38 Life Cycles - Ocean offspring
  • 39 Life Cycles - Parental care
  • 40 Life Cycles - Eggs to chicks
  • 41 Life Cycles - Mammals' milk
  • 42 Life Cycles - New generations
  • 43 Homes - Plant intruders
  • 44 Homes - Places to stay
  • 45 Homes - Fitting in anywhere
  • 46 Homes - Nest building
  • 47 Homes - A place to sleep
  • 48 Homes - Insect palaces
  • 49 Extremes - A tough life
  • 50 Extremes - Sea monsters
  • 51 Extremes - Cook or chill
  • 52 Extremes - Bird extremes
  • 53 Extremes - Heating and cooling
  • 54 Extremes - Tiny pioneers
  • 55 Senses and features - Taking control
  • 56 Senses and features - Party tricks
  • 57 Senses and features - Extra features
  • 58 Senses and features - Sight and flight
  • 59 Senses and features - Super senses
  • 60 Senses and features - Tiny but amazing

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