
My Bible: The Story Of God's Love

by Melissa Wright Author

Bible stories for Catholic children.


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
Early Years
Pauline Books & Media


  • 1 God Speaks to Us
  • 2 God Made Everything
  • 3 The First Sin
  • 4 Cain and Abel
  • 5 Noah and the Great Flood
  • 6 God Calls Abram
  • 7 Abraham and Sarah
  • 8 Jacob and Esau
  • 9 Jacob's Trick
  • 10 Jacob's Adventures
  • 11 Joseph and His Brothers
  • 12 Joseph the Slave
  • 13 Joseph's Brothers Come to Egypt
  • 14 The Reunion
  • 15 Moses is Born
  • 16 The Burning Bush
  • 17 The Ten Plagues
  • 18 The First Passover
  • 19 The Ten Commandments
  • 20 Ruth
  • 21 Hannah and Samuel
  • 22 Saul Becomes King
  • 23 David and Goliath
  • 24 David Becomes King
  • 25 The Prophet Elijah
  • 26 The Prophet Isaiah
  • 27 Jonah and the Big Fish
  • 28 Judas Maccabeus
  • 29 Mary and the Angel
  • 30 Mary Visits Elizabeth
  • 31 Jesus is Born
  • 32 Jesus is Brought to the Temple
  • 33 Jesus is Found in the Temple
  • 34 Jesus is Baptized
  • 35 Jesus in the Desert
  • 36 Jesus Calls His Followers
  • 37 The Wedding at Cana
  • 38 The Woman at the Well
  • 39 The Sermon on the Mount
  • 40 The Daughter of Jairus
  • 41 The Miracle of the Loaves and Fish
  • 42 Jesus Walks on Water
  • 43 Jesus Promises the Bread of Life
  • 44 Peter the Rock
  • 45 Jesus Shows His Glory
  • 46 The Good Samaritan
  • 47 The Prodigal Son
  • 48 Jesus Blesses the Children
  • 49 Jesus Raises Lazarus
  • 50 Jesus Goes to Jerusalem
  • 51 The Last Supper
  • 52 Jesus' Last Words
  • 53 Jesus is Arrested
  • 54 Jesus on Trial
  • 55 Jesus Dies on the Cross
  • 56 Jesus is Alive Again!
  • 57 Thomas Believes
  • 58 Peter Leads the Church
  • 59 Jesus Goes Back to the Father
  • 60 The Holy Spirit Comes
  • 61 Saul Becomes Paul
  • 62 I Am Coming Soon
  • 63 My Prayers

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