
Our Australian Story

by Janette Casey Ingham Author

Over 60 chapters telling the stories of the days of Australia’s early colonial period. Discover Australia with Captain Cook, arrive with the First Fleet, meet and get to know the first Australians a little better. Explore this beautiful big country in the explorers’ worn out shoes, be fascinated with our wonderful animals, bird and plants. Settle in bark huts with settlers, watch convicts hard at work, travel back in time and visit historic places when they were still alive with people. Learn how and why our capital cities were begun, how New Zealand was first colonised as well and how that country was even once a part of New South Wales. The tales, the yarns, the mistakes; the crimes, the tragedies, the triumphs ... the history! The story of Australia. The humour as well, and the lessons that can always be learned from reflecting upon a country’s past.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
1st - 6th
Geographical Setting
Historical Setting
1519 - 1840
Janette Casey Ingham


  • 1 The Great Southern Land
  • 2 'Australians' First
  • 3 Finding Australia
  • 4 Finding New South Wales with Captain James Cook
  • 5 The First Fleet
  • 6 New Colony New Country
  • 7 Exploring with Surgeon White and Captain Tench
  • 8 Norfolk Island - The Second Settlement
  • 9 Eora ~ 'From Here'
  • 10 The Colony Grows
  • 11 Around Sydney Town
  • 12 Convict Characters
  • 13 Whales and an Angry Aborigine
  • 14 Tuki and Huru from Aotearoa ~ 1792
  • 15 Marsdens, Merinos, MacArthurs and a Military Monopoly
  • 16 George Bass and Matthew Flinders Explorers and Adventurers Extraordinaire
  • 17 Governor King and the Maori Chief
  • 18 Margaret Catchpole ~ The Hawkesbury Floods
  • 19 The War of the Woods Tribe
  • 20 The Frenchman in the Mountains
  • 21 Port Phillip Bay ~ 1802
  • 22 Circumnavigating Australia
  • 23 Scottish Martyrs and an Irish Rebellion ~ Castle Hill ~ 1804
  • 24 The Rum Rebellion ~ 1808
  • 25 Settling Van Diemen's Land
  • 26 A Reformed Colony and a Colony of Reform
  • 27 Mary Reibey ~ Emancipist and Businesswoman
  • 28 A Real Town
  • 29 The Missionary and the Maori
  • 30 A Grand Tour of the Colony
  • 31 The Congress of Natives and a Native Institution
  • 32 The Way to the West
  • 33 The Road to Freedom…
  • 34 Mr Bigge and His Report ~ 1819
  • 35 Female Factory
  • 36 Order in Van Diemen's Land
  • 37 John Oxley's Journeys 1817-1818
  • 38 Governor Thomas MakDougall Brisbane
  • 39 Allan Cunningham Botantist and Explorer
  • 40 The Tyrant of Brisbane Town
  • 41 Hongi and the Musket Wars
  • 42 Hiking the Hum Highway with Hamilton Hume and Willian Hovell 1824
  • 43 Independence for Van Diemen's Land
  • 44 What Happened to the First Tasmanians?
  • 45 The Employment of Persuasion
  • 46 Governor Darling vs Freedom of the Press
  • 47 William Charles Wentworth
  • 48 Charles Sturt and the Riddle of the Rivers
  • 49 Down the Mighty Murray
  • 50 Governor Bourke ~ 1831
  • 51 The West
  • 52 Yagan and His People
  • 53 Georgiana Molly ~ 1830
  • 54 'Australia Felix'
  • 55 Victoria's Beginnings
  • 56 William Buckley's Story
  • 57 South Australia
  • 58 New Zealand, Part of New South Wales?
  • 59 The Overlanders
  • 60 John Gould

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