
Children's Bible Reader: Greek Orthodox Children's Illustrated Bible Reader - English Version

(From Amazon): This Bible storybook for children is especially notable for its many large, delicate and detailed watercolor illustrations done in a style reminiscent of the Byzantine icons of the Orthodox Church. These illustrations were commissioned for the original edition of this book done in Greece in the Greek language. While they are not icons, strictly speaking, they should appeal strongly to all Orthodox Christians, whether children or adults. Orthodox parents and church school teachers may be tempted to buy two copies, one to read, and one to cut up for pictures for bulletin boards and craft projects. Many of these Bible scenes are hardly found elsewhere in Orthodox-style art. There are one or more full-color illustrations at every opening of the book. Included are 74 stories from the Old Testament and 81 from the New Testament. The text is excerpts of actual Scripture in the very simplified CEV translation, and the Bible chapter is noted at the end of each. The large clear print will please readers young and old. At the back are 15 pages of very clear Bible maps. Clergy and lay leaders of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Detroit were involved the editing and production of this American edition. --- Randall Mark Trainer


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
2nd - 6th
American Bible Society


  • 1 God Creates the World
  • 2 Adam and Eve turn away from God
  • 3 Cain and Abel
  • 4 The wickedness of people destroys the earth
  • 5 People continue to sadden God
  • 6 A shepherd trusts in God
  • 7 Abraham and Sarah have a son
  • 8 Isaac marries Rebecca
  • 9 Two different brothers
  • 10 Jacob has a strange dream
  • 11 Jacob marries Rachel
  • 12 Jacob leaves Laban
  • 13 Jacob wrestles with God
  • 14 The two brothers reconcile
  • 15 Joseph and his brothers
  • 16 Joseph arrives in Egypt
  • 17 Joseph interprets dreams
  • 18 Joseph and Pharaoh
  • 19 Joseph's brothers come to Egypt
  • 20 Joseph's brothers return to Canaan
  • 21 Joseph welcomes his brothers
  • 22 The silver cup
  • 23 Joseph forgives his brothers
  • 24 The people of Israel suffer in Egypt
  • 25 A mother saves her son
  • 26 Moses must leave
  • 27 God calls Moses
  • 28 Moses returns to Egypt
  • 29 Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh
  • 30 God sends disasters to Egypt
  • 31 God sends the worst plague of all
  • 32 The Israelites leave Egypt
  • 33 The Israelites cross the Red Sea
  • 34 God provides for his people
  • 35 Water from the rock
  • 36 Moses on Mount Sinai
  • 37 The Ten Commandments
  • 38 The golden calf
  • 39 Moses speaks again with God
  • 40 The tent of meeting and the Ark of the Covenant
  • 41 Aaron and his sons become priests
  • 42 Moses is near Canaan
  • 43 Forty years in the desert
  • 44 The healing snake
  • 45 Moses dies
  • 46 The walls of Jericho fall
  • 47 The Promised Land
  • 48 Judges
  • 49 Deborah
  • 50 Gideon
  • 51 Samson
  • 52 Ruth and Naomi
  • 53 Samuel the prophet
  • 54 Saul becomes a king
  • 55 Saul and David
  • 56 David and Goliath
  • 57 David and Jonathan
  • 58 David saves Saul's life
  • 59 David the King
  • 60 David's Psalms
  • 61 King Solomon
  • 62 The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon
  • 63 Wise Words of Solomon
  • 64 The prophet Elijah
  • 65 Elijah and Baal's prophets
  • 66 The prophet Isaiah
  • 67 The prophet Jeremiah
  • 68 Jonah and the big fish
  • 69 Jonah goes to Nineveh
  • 70 Daniel and his friends
  • 71 The three friends are thrown in the furnace
  • 72 Daniel in the lion's den
  • 73 Daniel tells of the coming of the Savior
  • 74 Expecting the Savior
  • 75 Elizabeth and Zechariah
  • 76 The angel visits Mary
  • 77 The angel visits Joseph
  • 78 Mary visits Elizabeth
  • 79 The birth of John
  • 80 The birth of Jesus
  • 81 The wise men
  • 82 Simeon and Anna
  • 83 The escape to Egypt
  • 84 Jesus comes to the temple
  • 85 John the Baptist
  • 86 The Baptism of Jesus
  • 87 Jesus is tempted by the devil
  • 88 Jesus in the synagogue
  • 89 Jesus and His disciples
  • 90 The wedding in Cana
  • 91 Jesus heals a paralyzed man
  • 92 Jesus and the daughter of Jairus
  • 93 Jesus and the centurion of Capernaum
  • 94 Jesus and the storm
  • 95 Jesus and John
  • 96 The Sermon on the Mount
  • 97 Love your Enemies
  • 98 True prayer
  • 99 The cares of life
  • 100 Trust in God
  • 101 The parable of the two houses
  • 102 Jesus blesses the children
  • 103 Who is the greatest?
  • 104 Jesus and the Sabbath
  • 105 The Good Samaritan
  • 106 God Wants to Save Everyone
  • 107 The lost sheep
  • 108 The lost coin
  • 109 The prodigal son
  • 110 Jesus feeds five thousand people
  • 111 Jesus walks on the water
  • 112 Jesus heals sick people
  • 113 The bread of life
  • 114 The great feast
  • 115 You are Jesus
  • 116 God shows who Jesus is
  • 117 Two of the disciples want the best places
  • 118 The Good Shepherd
  • 119 Jesus heals ten sick people
  • 120 Jesus heals the blind beggar
  • 121 Jesus comes to Zacchaeus
  • 122 Mary and Martha
  • 123 Lazarus
  • 124 Mary anoints Jesus
  • 125 The entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem
  • 126 Jesus drives the merchants out of the Temple
  • 127 Jesus speaks about the end of the age
  • 128 The betrayal by Judas
  • 129 Jesus celebrates Passover with His Disciples
  • 130 Jesus washes the disciples' feet
  • 131 The mystical supper
  • 132 Peter's promise to Jesus
  • 133 Jesus prays in the garden of Gethsemane
  • 134 Peter's denial
  • 135 Jesus is questioned
  • 136 Jesus is brought to Pilate
  • 137 Judas regrets his betrayal
  • 138 Jesus dies on the cross
  • 139 The burial of Jesus
  • 140 The Resurrection of Jesus
  • 141 On the road to Emmaus
  • 142 Jesus appears to the disciples
  • 143 Jesus and Thomas
  • 144 Jesus appears again at the Sea of Galilee
  • 145 Jesus and Peter
  • 146 Jesus ascends into Heaven
  • 147 Pentecost
  • 148 Stephen and Saul
  • 149 Saul goes to Damascus
  • 150 Ananias helps Saul
  • 151 Saul preaches about Jesus
  • 152 Saul has a new name
  • 153 Paul travels to Greece
  • 154 Paul casts out an evil spirit
  • 155 Paul and Silas in jail
  • 156 Paul travels from place to place
  • 157 Paul comes to Athens
  • 158 Paul returns to Jerusalem
  • 159 Paul is arrested
  • 160 The trip to Rome
  • 161 Paul writes many letters
  • 162 God's new world
  • 163 Maps

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