
The Big Picture Story Bible

by David R. Helm Author

(From Amazon): No child is too young to begin learning about the greatest love story of all-God's love for his people, as portrayed in the Bible. David R. Helm and Gail Schoonmaker collaborate to create a beautifully illustrated book of Bible stories especially for children, written with simplicity. Rather than simply retelling the most familiar short scenes from the Bible, this book presents the "big picture"-the unified story running through the Old and New Testaments. This delightful book will help children learn the Bible's whole story and begin to appreciate the fulfillment of God's promise to his people. The Big Picture Bible Story Book is perfect for parents to read to their children, and eventually, for children to read on their own. It is an excellent way to introduce them to a book that will guide them through all of life.


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
Early Years
Crossway Books


  • 1 The Very Good Beginning p. 15
  • 2 A Very Sad Day p. 37
  • 3 Life Outside the Garden p. 51
  • 4 God's Big Promise p. 67
  • 5 God's People Grow p. 83
  • 6 God's People Become Great p. 103
  • 7 God's Great Sign p. 123
  • 8 Going Into God's Place p. 141
  • 9 God's Blessings Grow p. 167
  • 10 Another Very Sad Day p. 187
  • 11 God's Promise Remains p. 211
  • 12 Many Silent Years p. 229
  • 13 God's Promised One is Born p. 243
  • 14 God's Promised One is Announced p. 259
  • 15 God's New People Are Called p. 271
  • 16 Jesus Restores God's Place p. 287
  • 17 Jesus Reveals God's Kingdom p. 307
  • 18 A Blind Man Sees p. 323
  • 19 A Dead Man is Raised to Life p. 337
  • 20 Jesus Wears God's Kingly Crown p. 359
  • 21 Jesus' Followers Are in the Dark p. 375
  • 22 A Brand-New Day p. 383
  • 23 God's Promise is Explained p. 397
  • 24 God's New Kingdom Spreads p. 413
  • 25 Letters to Live By p. 427
  • 26 The Very Good Ending p. 437

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